The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2202
  • sorry @fenikus I know you not to far away from me it is unbearable!!
    and we have Crazy wind !! gusty!!
  • Outta here, bye bye
  • nice pic @hunnybunny is it a slide?
  • oh bye @hunnybunny :/ is it me lol? everytime i pop in you pop out:(
  • @Kathy, I don't think it's you…Mrs. Bunny has a thing about defunct electrical equipment. Mention of it sends her hopping into the nearest hole.
  • ohh lol @fenikus thanks !! haha hope your get your ac fixed soon:)
  • @kathy you make me laugh. No, it's not over, quarter finals comin' up, next friday (2) and saturday (2). For some reasone these sportsmen need rest. Next week again 2 days of soccer, than sunday in a week the final. I don't know what horse to be on, challenge? Space? Or wait for seasons. Since I know there is coming an update ... Tomorrow is party.
  • @Kathy, I fixed it last night…The zones are not working but the whole house is cool. I'd just like to have control over which zones I cool and which I don't. It's all good for now.
  • lol !! oops @bernersenn I guess it shows that i don't pay attention to soccer! ! is not that i don't like it I just never think to watch:/
    yes tomorrow is a party for the Seasons update:)
    I am trying now to find more points in Beak 1 :)
    getting boring though!
  • @Kathy wind is good! It helps cool things. :) Here it's damn hot, damn humid, and perfectly still.

    @fenikus Is it the low voltage wiring that's flaky? I know single-zone, and could figure out multi-zone if I was there, but not much I can do from here. Of course if your problem is in the 208/240v part, no way I'm giving out advice on that :P

    edit: I'd just close unused dampers. I don't buy the "it's bad for your equipment" story they try to tell you.
  • @kathy I don't blame you, even my own wife doesn't have any idea about the tournament. It's that the dutch are still in, otherwise she doesn't know anything about it. For me it's an addiction, as the birds, even more. So birds have to wait when the ball rolls. Beak #1 isn't friendly to me anymore, Beak #2 never was. Perhaps I will return here, got pissed about the S-22, you know I am too slow for this. Argh, not happy with myself on this. I hope, really, that the new seasons won't contain something like that. Normal games, you can look at the scene, look at your bird, think of a strat, and boom. (Or not).
  • Aw! I'm getting a broken envelope printer this weekend, and I wanted to tell @hunnybunny all about it :(
  • @kelani, that warm and humid overthere? What place do you live - I can enter it in the Weather# app on my Ipad. I'm curious.
  • @bernersenn S22 is a big pain, but think about it. After you learn where the 6 shots go, it's one of the fastest and easiest levels to get a good score. You only have to make two accurate shots for 120k, or one for 110k. If I had to do it on ipad again, I'd definitely use a homemade stylus made from an eraser and a piece of aluminum foil, or even a piece of looped wire for the egg-activation taps :)

    edit: one second, I'll post weather link
  • @kelani, nice tried my friend, you have no idea about my abilities. With good thumb, pointing finger, etc. I was in heaven with my 100k till I saw the other scores. Let it be - again, my friend, where do you live?
  • oh cool the Leaderboards up already ;) thanks @bernersenn !! and yes I did a lot of whining about S-22 is to quick for me also! !
    @kelani the wind is not helping just annoying!! the air is sooo hot!! not real humid but still oppressive:(
  • My weather station outside says it's 98.4F. 70% Humidity Heat Index (Feels like) 115F. Wind: Calm Yuck.

    @bernersenn PM sent

    @Kathy oppressive is an excellent description. I tried to put Pattydog outside earlier and she gave me a very dirty look. Even the loud neighbor kids aren't in their pool.
  • @kathy we're getting old, unfortunately.
  • ahh yes @bernersenn this is true!
  • aww @kanji haha thats a New one @kelani !! pooor pattydawg:(
  • @kelani, thank God our summer - till now - is moving nicely. The weather is good overhere - but not to warm. At evening we must go inside because it's getting to cold outside (sitting quietly, playing on the Ipad). That's good, my dogs appreciate this - so do I. Last april we have installed Solar panels on our roof - they're doing well.
  • Just checked, it peaked at 97% humidity earlier. Glad I was busy flinging! :)

    I swear, every summer like this pushes me closer and closer to moving to Canada or one of the blanking cold Euro countries.
  • @bernersenn That sounds lovely. I love cold, so I'd be outside until body parts started turning to ice. :)

    It's weird, despite all the sun, we don't have much solar here. There are so many power plants in this region, electricity is very inexpensive. That's also why Google keeps building data centers here.
  • looks interesting @bernersenn hmmm..
  • @bernersenn So you pay 21 eurocents per kWh? Interesting. I pay what your supplier gets: 5 eurocents (0.07-0.08 US/kWh). Up North where @fenikus and @Kathy are, it's much more expensive: 0.13-0.15 eurocents (0.18-0.20 US) / kWh

    That Stella game seems designed more for little girls. It is pretty, though.
  • @kathy, it's in the latest news section
  • @all, good night to you all
  • nightly night @bernersenn Sweet Dreams :)
  • @Kathy in that news article, look at the top pic that shows the level. See Stella's flight path, bouncing off stuff? My God, that looks hard.
  • @kelani I can't find the news article?
  • never mind @kelani I found it:)
  • I couldn't see a video or anything @kelani just the pic?
    I gotta pop out ! good you fixed those horrid hirnets:/
  • @Kathy just the pic. if you look at the aiming dots, it shows Stella bouncing upwards, back and forth, like a staircase. I guess they gave her some power this time.

    edit: ah, ok. *picks up a broom and sweeps the BP while whistling a janitorial tune*
  • ohhh the place looks nice and clean; ) thanks @kelani
    I'll have to take a closer look at that pic:/
    inn the meantime hee hee just moved to #7 in Beak 1 yahoo found some points in #20
  • Afternoon @all *said in a way to make it clear that the "good" was left out on purpose*.
    I found out what the iPad equivalent of the PC Blue Screen of Death was yesterday evening. : ((( Probably spent 4 hrs resuscitating my iPad this morning. Couldn't do anything except an iTunes restore, which essentially wipes the iPad clean and starts from scratch. I had a iTunes backup, somewhat old (boy did I get what I deserved), and the Rovio Cloud helped. I also have a backup on my computer, but essentially the same date.
    So the bottom line is that I have to redo the most recent episodes on ABO, Seasons, Rio (all of Rio 2), Space and Star Wars. Looks like AB SW II and AB Epic are OK. Basically I lost 6 months of flinging not to mention progress on some other games that I don't care that much about.
    Moral of story: Don't be like me. Backup frequently and religiously.
  • ooohh Noooo !! @mvnla2 I'm soo sorry that happened to you! !
    trust me I know the feeling:(; (((( hug))))
  • aw @mvnla2 that is terrible. :( Did you at least get your ipad back to normal? I hope there's no underlying issue that caused it.
  • I haven't backed up for weeks now. But I also haven't flung much in weeks, so I wouldn't be in a corner crying as I know @Mvnla2 is at the moment. So sorry for your loss. Backup, backup, backup! I know you knew better.

    Are you headed to Season's with the rest of the river rats @Kelani? I'm going to need the time to work on BI #2. Your #38 score is daunting.
  • Arghh Beak 1 #9 is Soo..sooo uhmm Sooooo frustrating where the heck do the points Goooo
    I have 65k but now can't get past 55k Where the hell are 10k points hiding!!!
  • @Kelani On #38 you say to hit the lava asteroid group when he is directly above the planet structure. Are you sure it can't be slightly past the center of the structure when you hit the asteroid group? At dead center, I can't get anything to work regardless of where I shoot from. And you never mention speed. Is that a factor?
  • @Rat My shot was at full speed, exactly like my photo. Remember the speed and altitude of the flying stuff varies, so it's all really a crapshoot. :/

    As far as Seasons, LOL. You've been skipping my posts, I see. I posted yesterday I'd rather play the Knife Game than Seasons. But to be fair, I will check out the new episode whenever it comes out on PC.
  • @Pa @kelani is too afraid to play Seasons lol.. it's to hard lol;)
  • @Kathy no, hard is fine. The Star Wars-es are equally hard and I like those. It's how everything plays like S21. Slooow and weak gravity. Space spoiled me, I guess.
  • Sounds like excuses to me Ma. Too

    Edit: I'm not playing fair. I don't like it either @Kelani. I refer you to the previous page, eleventh posting from the top.
  • @Rat Thanks for the #8 info. I think you and @abeggartoo are describing completely different approaches or something. He's shooting to 7:30 on the upper planet, redirecting from near that bright star in the grav field, and hitting just left of the center peak. In your original post, I saw the "in line with the canister" which is farther right than his shot. Now in your last post, when you said "high" I assumed you meant near the top of the screen, i.e. west of the upper planet inside the grav field, hitting the boulder on the far left, like left of the crack. I dunno if that's what you meant, but that shot worked. lol.
  • lol @pa you did just fine in the Seasons you played:)
    yep @kelani making excuses. . he's just scared to go up against the Queen of Seasons ;)
    you know
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