The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2499
  • Happy Easter
  • :/ my whole comments dissapered ..
    @Estar great banner :)
    @tompuss great to hear your feeling better and @bernersenn on the mend:)
    sorry i missed you @Lamia hope to see you again soon!
  • @estar Imight just do that!

    @TomPuss Glad I made you laugh. Your name actually translates to "empty kiss" haha! ("tom" means "empty" and "puss" means "kiss")
  • Hello guys, very small visit today, got family things to do.
    @tompuss thanks, also for the video. @kathy also thinks.
    Good night to you all
  • Nattinatt @bernersenn Happy Easter ;)
  • Hi everyone! Happy Easter!
    Hope everyone has a great day!
  • @everyone -- Hope you all enjoyed your Sunday (Easter, Passover, or whatever).
    @aex10 -- Hi! I think it's been a while since you stopped in. Hope you visit more frequently.
  • Thanks @mvnla2 Hope you had a wonderful Easter Day :)
    Hi @AEX10 sorry i missed you
  • Night Pa ♡
  • Oh! I didn't know the video link would be more than a link!
  • Very purdy @BPC. We're all the videos of Mt. Vernon?
  • Hi @Rat! Yes, the videos were all taken at Roozengaarde in the Skagit Valley, near Mt Vernon, Washington. Roozengaarde is the largest producer of tulip bulbs in the US. There are other tulip growers in the Skagit Valley, but Roozengaarde is the largest (according to their website)
  • @BPC -- Lovely! Tulips are one of my most favorite flowers. It's hard to grow the Dutch variety in LA, but I buy them every chance I get (at the farmers' market, at least). To have the Dutch variety bloom in LA, I think you need to dig the bulbs up and store them in the refrigerator (or is it freezer) every winter. Too much for me; much easier to buy.
    There are some that are native to this area, but they have much smaller flowers, and not as many colors.
  • Hello guys, hope you all had a great Easter. @kathy thanks for the Easter wishes, wishing you the same. Didn't have lots of time last days, lots of family stuff.
    Dutch tulips? Did you know they grow initially in Turkey? Dutch growers picked this up and started to grow and cultivate them. @mvnla2 I can imagine that it is difficult to keep them. What you need to do is this: as soon the flower is overblown, cut off just the flower. Let the green stuff remain till it turns into yellow,brown. The dig up the bulps, save them in a dry place - temperature isn't important - and bury again in november. It's that easy. Good luck
  • @BPC love tulips! Thank you
  • @BPC Awesome beutiful tulips ! a thanks so much for sharing ! no worries about the link ..i do it all the time then @Estar comes and waves her magic wand and its all better:)
    very interesting background info @bernersenn ty :)
    @mvnla2 hope that helps and you can have beutiful flowers to show off next year:) but i fully support the idea of its easier to buy them hee hee;) night all
  • Night Pa ♡
  • I've never seen you try so hard or do so well on an episode @Ma. You seem possessed.
    Night Ma
  • Thanks @Pa I'm just excited cuz my lessons are finally kicking in..I may have to revisit a few episodes ;)
    nighty night Pa ;)
  • Cool ! First comment on "The Bloated pig" !
    Let me introduce myself :
    [edit by Admin*: Teens should not reveal their age and location]
    I live in a beautiful town in Paris' near south suburb. (so, in France).
    I registered on the Nest in September after having had some trouble w/ Angry Birds Epic... ABE and Bad Piggies are my favorite Rovio games (I play on my MacBook Pro with Andy emulator). I find that ABN is an awesome platform to discuss with people and, of course, TO IMPROVE MY ENGLISH LEVEL ! (you know, French are the worst English speakers in all Europe, and perhaps in the entire world, lol).
    So I say hello to all users of "The Bloated Pig" ! I just reminded that I must check the mean of the word "bloated"...
  • Welcome @Zacks flock I'm not sure if that is the user name that will notify you
    but nice to see you pop !
    [edit* by admin]
    ABN is a great site and you'll meet lot's of friendly people:)
    if you haven't read page 1 of this forum I suggest that you take a look , it explains a bit about the place.
    OB (oorange bird) and the blues will be happy to serve you anything you like as well!
    so Again Welcome , make yourself comfy and enjoy!
    any questions you have someone will always try to provide an answer; )
  • @kathy it's @zackvoyager I think. As a real contact name. That took a lot of searching! Anyway @zackvoyager your English is excellent. I think it's the other way round. The British are are worst at speaking French! And your grammar is perfect!
  • Thanks @hunnybunny :)
    ok then Welcome @zackvoyager :)
  • @kathy you seem to be the demon flinger of the moment! I'm flagging, lost a bit of interest but the weather here is really good (very warm, spring flowers everywhere) so walking a lot. It keeps us fit and slim. Also refurbishing a couple of bathrooms. So poor attempts at the daily challenge is as much as I can manage. And who was the sadistic ********** who set the last few Easter weekend challenges....... Arrgghhh! They were hateful
  • @hunnybunny I'm not sure i understood the first of your comment? why am i the demon flinger and your fflagging me? I'm sure i misunderstood that right!
    i don't play the challenge ever.
    nice to hear your weather has been nice and enjoy walking. i can't wait for a day over 45° :(
    nothing but cold rain here.
  • @kathy you are the demon flinger, ie flinging your heart out, competing with and beating the best!
    I'm not flagging you, I'm just flagging (an English term: falling behind) compared to everyone else. Not really competing. Presently...
    Goodnight, good flinging, hope spring springs for you soon xx
  • @hunnybunny i knew i misunderstood that's why I asked ;) and thanks for the compliment ;) i totally misunderstood the term flagging. but i guess in the u.s we say lagging for falling behind maybe a derived from the English term iwonder? we Americans tend to drop lots of letters lol.
    I've nothing else to do but fling sadly to say: I'd love to see the sun !
    Sweet Dreams ... Nattinatt :)
  • Night Pa ♡
  • @Zacks Flock @Zackvoyager -- Welcome to the BP! I would never have guessed your age! Your english is excellent, as well as your posts. Hope you enjoy the BP.
  • @mvnla2 @hunnybunny @kathy Thank you very much. I just have two question, one serious, the other a bit stupid :
    1) In the "Bloated Pig", in which timezone is the time displayed at the near right of the post writer's name ?

    2) Stupid Question : are the drinks and food, as well as the Orange and the Blue Bird, fake ? (I know it's ridiculous, but it's not clearly indicated, so...)

    I don't know if you're in bed, at work or having lunch, but I say you Good morning/afternoon/evening/night !!

    EDIT : I just verified, the time displayed is at UTC+1 so it's 1 hour late from my time.
  • Welcome to the Nest @zackvoyager! To answer your #2 question, read page 1 and you'll understand this is just a fun virtual place to hangout and meet other Nesters.

    OB, I'd like a large mug of @kartflyer's cappuccino and a bowl of fresh strawberries and a bran muffin, please. I'm a bit hungry this morning.

    Greetings to everyone, sorry I've been MIA for so long as hubby and I are quite busy these days. Most recently back from our yearly roadtrip to Phoenix, AZ for two huge events, the Phoenix Bikefest and AZ Bikeweek! Whew, it was pretty HOT coming home last Sunday (3/29) through the desert. Almost passed out before we stopped near Palm Desert to dump some cold water on my head. Ahhh, but the trip was worth it. As we always say in the bikers' world, "It's not the destination, it's the journey."

    Sending you some of this warmth your way @Kathy! It's a little rainy today, but mostly been having some nice weather in the low to mid 80's, with a few in the 90's around here. A bit warmer than @MVNLA2's neighborhood but I love it! Great weather for golfing.

    Well, gotta run. Our 'fridge crapped out on us Monday so I have to get online to have it picked up by our power company ($50 rebate!) and we're going shopping for a new one today. Ugh, hate to think of the money we have to spend for a new one, but it's a necessity.

    Oh, almost forgot to mention, that was a beautiful video, @BPC. It just made my day, thanks for sharing!

    Have a great flinging day everyone!


    edit: it's been too long since I've been here, I missed all the fun. :(

    HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY @annifrid! Hope you had a super fun time celebrating!
  • @Zacks_Flock @zackvoyager -- The time displayed should be your timezone. Not sure why it ahead unless you are on a different daylight savings than the rest of Europe.
  • @SweetP -- Actually the cooler weather has been perfect for golf, IMO. I thought it was going to be a little on the cool side yesterday, but the sun was out enough that I played without a jacket most of the round. It didn't start raining here until ~4pm, and it eventually worked itself up to a real rain for a couple of hours! Boy do we need every drop.
  • Good evening.
    @kathy bulbs are dutch things. I think that when you would ask to @estar that she should have said the same.
  • @SweetP thanks :) I definitely had a super fun time ... getting up at 6 and going to school the next morning was terrible though :D
  • Anxiously awaiting Jury Verdict in the Tsarnaev Marathon Bomber The jury has reached a Verdict about to announce it!!
  • @amslimfordy You watching ? so far Guilty of first 5 !
  • GUILTY All 30 counts !!! Justice awaits !!
  • @kathy We don't have death sentences in the UK. Didn't know Massachusetts still had them. Although I knew some US States did. But like to see him rot to death in a small cell. I'd pull the trigger, but that seems too quick and easy for what he did.
    Sorry for my right wing, political, post. But that's what I think. And many others may feel the same. Killing innocent people deserves the very worst punishment
  • @MVNLA2, sounds like you had a great day of golf, yesterday! I'm hoping the weekend is just as nice, since HWDNF and I are planning to play a bit at a local public course. I need the practice...LOL!
    Hopefully we'll get to do some fishing on Sunday morning, too. Went a bought a new pole and tackle kit, and fishing licenses. I've never gone fishing so this will be interesting!
    @Kathy, what are you guilty of? I'm sure it's nothing you'd get in trouble for!
  • @HunnyBunny Massachusetts has not had capital punishment since 1984. Tsarnaev is being charged federally, and the US as a federal body does have capital punishment
  • @hunnybunny i fully agree ! as @amslimfordy has said Tsarnaev is Guilty of Federal offenses and will be punished under Federal law.
    lol @Sweetp read up silly not me guilty the marathon bomber found guilty!
  • @amslimfordy thanks for the information. Just goes to show how much us Brits understand about the US. We just have the one law, punishment, et al
  • Yeah, @kathy I was watching the live news coverage on that. Woo-hoo!!!
    I'm pretty sure they'll give him the death penalty, which is not enough for those who have perished and their families. Too bad we can't exile him to Thailand, where justice is swift for the likes of him. BAH!

    edit: I agree, @hunnybunny...I'd grab my .357 and join you!
  • @sweetp There's not a harsh enough punishment for what he did:(
  • I'm all for free speech, but let's make sure this convo doesn't get out of control. Thanks all!
  • Agreed @Birdleader sorry .. just a subject that hit home.
    will take any further discussion on the subject to Pm ;)
  • Ditto!!!!!!

    Sorry for my strong language @BirdLeader.
  • @Pa last time i checked "ditto" is acceptable lol;)
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