The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2690
  • @ninjafrog658 When did you join Angry Birds Nest? I joined in 2011 almost 5 years ago!
  • Yes, I use that to avoid confusion with Bloated Pig.
  • Oh, and I joined a few days ago. I am a hatchling/tadpole. I am a tadling, LOL!
  • Lol @ninjafrog658 a tadling hee hee, and Welcome to ABN :)
    If you need help finding your way around, just ask someone will help, have you found the walkthroughs ?
  • Technically @ninjafrog658 your a baby birdie in the Big Nest lol:)
  • I'm very familiar with the site, I've read it for years, but haven't made an account til now. Who knew an egg took that long to hatch!? LOLOL!
  • Lol @ninjafrog658 !! Jeesh ya it took you a while to hatch haha! Well I'm happy you decided to join And visit the BP! We have lots of fun here, but sometimes slow times too.. Good days and boring days haha, that's life!
  • Night night!
  • Nighty night @ninjafrog658 Sweet Dreams,sleep well:)
  • Hi and Bye! I'm knackered. Sister and niece arrived today, walking, drinking, more walking, eating, arguing in a friendly sister sort of way, giggling, loads of giggling, because we both have new iPhones and found Siri, who talks back at you. On a phone for goodness sake. Lovely day
    More sisterly love tomorrow..
  • Happy you had a nice day with your sister @hunnybunny
    Sweet Dreams:)
    Funny story about Siri, a guy at my work first got his iPhone and Siri
    He asked her "Who's your Daddy"
    Her answer " you are, can we get back to work now" lol it was funny for a random answer from Yes a phone no less lol!
  • @kathy WASSSUPPP
    @hunnybunny sweet dreams
    @ninjafrog658 nighty night
    @knichy where you hiding?
    @rat its OK don't say hello to me LOL
  • @gumby Waassssupppp!!
  • @gumby ..@knichy ,@hunnybunny, and I and @bernersenn , and @captrec are hiding in Seasons Greedings , flinging our way to the top!:) Care to join us??
    OB I'll have a Blue Mongo please:)
    Bring @gumby his choice on my tab:)
  • @kathy whats a Seasons Greedings lol not sure Ive ever done that
  • Its a 2012 episode of Seasons @gumby ,no n need to unlock them as it was an advent episode:)
  • @kathy Oh good I hate unlocking levels :) Today thou I was unlocking a few more ABO
  • I hear ya @gumby, so are you gunna join us? we have a pm going, but is getting filled up fast, I'll ask @bernersenn or @hunnybunny to start a new one including you.
    as i told @knichy it really helps to improve your scores when you fling in a group.
    and call up someone else leaderboard, and do a compare that way you have an idea of what is actually possible, and you can try to match or beat score :D
  • @kathy you have a pm going that is filling up fast?
  • yep well there is 5 of us in it and we just started it a couple days ago, and of course knichy is there lol, :8 he talks a lot..
    kidding knichy just kidding all is well, with introductions and such 5 peeps can fill a pm quickly!
  • I'm back @gumby, none of us has posted any strats in the pm just meet and greet and get to know each other a bit, a couple pleas for help on a couple levels , you didn't really miss anything we just started like 2 days ago :)
  • @kathy how do you have a pm with 5 people?
  • Uhmm @gumby u just can lol, start the pm , on 'reciepients put members names you want to include , like ours says captrec , hunnybunny, kathy ,, knichy then it automatically includes the person 'bernersenn ' who created it!
    Me and Estar and the girls have one with 7 of us;)
  • @kathy recipients is where exactly? I don't see it
  • Alright it doesn't say "'reciepients" it says 'send to' type in the members you want to send it to, i usually put a space and a comma in between member p names, not sure if that's necessary ,
    Then below is "subject ' = what you want to talk about
  • Also all have to be friends, so if you join us, you might have to friend CaptRec and knichy, bernersenn , and hunnybunny
  • Hello @Gumby
    I'm busy. The wife wanted to see Buffet in Atlanta.
    I'll be baacckk...
  • @rat hello. Going to Atlanta?
  • @kathy hunnybunny and bernersenn are already friends. Knichy never asked or vica versa and I never even heard of CaptRec
  • maybe message me how to do it step by step, Im off to watch G o T and probably fall asleep during the episode.
  • I will @gumby give me a few minutes
  • I'll do it tomorrow @gumby, gonna listen to my book for a bit,
  • Hi @Pa sorry wasn't ignoring you, have fun..:D
  • i tried @Pa :(
    nighty night @Pa
  • @gumby been super busy at work and home and can barely follow one thread. I don't know how to make my own friend request unless I catch a post not here but in a walkthrough.
    I dropped in the other evening but only posted once or twice between swimming and soccer and girl scouts and homework and MIL apparently might be living with us now and end of school activities and .......
  • So busy I M actually working on my off-friday, nearly unheard of!
  • Had a lovely morning here

    Loads of kids around, as it's school holidays, walking through the water gardens, heard a huge "splash!" Thought some naughty boy had jumped in.
    It was my very cool, super chic, thirteen year old niece, who slipped in into a rather large pond. Thankfully she saved her iPhone and my expensive sunglasses that she borrowed!
    Mr Bunny not so happy about driving her home in his beloved car, soaking wet, covered in pond weed and smelling rather unpleasant
    We took her shopping later to make up for the pond experience. After changing her slimy, green clothing, of course...

    They're leaving tomorrow, so some fling time!

    Nighy night, fellow flingers xx
  • awww @hunnybunny your poor niece,, at least she saved the iPhone and your sunglasses lol, happy she's o.k otherwise :)
    Nighty night Sweet Dreams :)
  • @hunnybunny sounds lively if not lovely 8*)
  • Hi @knichy ,can't believe you worked on your day off!!
    Blue Mongo time?
    OB I'll have one please:D
  • Where's @gumby by gum?
    I know @Pa is busy busy..Mrs. Rat taking him all over the place, wth is in Atlanta? Casino?
    ohh noo a Concert, that's can you picture @Pa at a concert:(
  • *images in my mind ,of Mrs. Rat draggjng Mr. Rat by the tail..*
    Hey who's watching the Heyyougetouttamyway's? ??? Watch where you step everyone!!
    of course she couldn't have possibly counted them all, but erhh..just be careful ,you never know. ..
  • @kathy WASSSUUPPP just got home, skipped dinner
    @hunnybunny PHEW thats a relief, the sunglasses are safe and sound
    @knichy yea same here, busy busy
  • The Heyyou's aren't my responsibility @Ma. They're my sister Minnie's kids. I'm footloose and fancy-free.
  • @rat I thought you were in Atlanta watching Buffet
  • @Gumby Waaasssuppp! ! Gumby by Gum!!
  • @Gumby to send a friend request, click on 'community ' on the gold bar up top, choose 'All members ' then on that screen there is a 'search ' box type in captrec his profile will come up then you'll see the way
    for knichy i think you can just click his name from here..
  • lol @Pa oh yeah I forgot Minnie was your sister, well she minds them well lol! are you back from Atlanta?
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