The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2692
  • @gumby I made the pm..c'mon and join us:)
  • Wake up Gumby!!
    Where's everyone , is Saturday night !!
    Well OB looks like you and me, my daughter's party was nice , relaxing , good food, old friends and new,, family it was really a good day:)
    I'll have a Blue Mongo please, and not to jinx myself but I'm kicking butt in my flinging tonight:)
  • and The Princess regains her crown :)
    @bernersenn is late now, but a woman at the party was talking about a friend in paris and the flooding, , sad ..hope all gets better, there is actually bad flooding here as well in southern parts of our country, 4 service men in Texas trying to aide ,their jeep was overtaken by the flood waters, found their bodies today :(
  • Alrighty sorry OB , i love your company, your a listener but not much of a conversationalist lol,
    Earphones in ,book on nighty night..
  • Kathy prob headed to land of nod myself, haven't been able to be on-line.
  • Uhmm... aren't you online now lol @knichy.. While in the Nest?
  • I can't remember what i did on level 18 @,knichy, i only need a few k to get into the top 100.. Ah well tomorrow is another day...
  • Jeesh a Saturday night, ,guess I'll put the Jukebox on..
  • ohh Snicker you almost had your chance..sorry ..
    Nighty night @Pa
  • There's no curfew on Saturday night. I only release the hounds on weekdays.
    Nighty night @Ma
  • Hello guys,
    Funny this difference in time.
    @kathy her comment about saturday night came in at 4:01 am!

    @gumby @rat was right about Wolf. We are going to bring him home at the 9th of July. That was yesterday in 5 weeks.
  • I wonder about that time stamp @bernersenn, if it shows each own time zone, my comment last night before bed shows 12:20 for me
    wow July 9 seems so far away:( is the pic yesteday the one you've chosen for keeping?
  • That is weird @bernersenn , it uses each our own time zone..loo
    Yes no ! more talk more fling:)
  • OB I'll have a Blue Mongo and put one on ice for @knichy he'll probably pop in soon.
    I know it's not Tuesday but SG level 17 is killing me

  • Not read back at all, nor read umpteen pm's (sorry) it's just Hi and Bye from Mrs Bunny xx
  • Hi @hunnybunny, bye @hunnybunny lol:)
    glad you had a fun-filled weekend :)
    and congrats on SG 25! Wooot!!
  • @kathy WASSUPPP
    @bernersenn oh July 9th I thought when he got to be 4 weeks old you would get him. Another month will seem like forever.
    @hunnybunny sleep well
  • Wassssuupp @gumby!
    I'm in between laundry atm, gotta go back to put it in the dryer, I'll be in and out..
  • @kathy I am in between sleep right now. I'll be in and out also LOL. probably out soon like a light.
  • Kk @gumby Sleep Well..glad you could join us:)
  • @kathy still awake for now
  • Good Night folk, work tomorrow:(
  • Nighty night @Pa
  • Good night @Ma
  • @gumby taking a four weeks old puppy away from his mum and his flock is awful. Those little guys need their mum and brothers/sister to use as a shelter. 9 weeks is ok for us, then he can get used to us and Heidi. Then, second week from august he will enjoy us on our holiday (Switzerland).

    Good evening to you all
  • @bernersenn If you take me with you I'll take care of Wolf so you can enjoy yourself.
  • @rat I'd loved to take you with me. I think we would have a good time
  • I know we would but I'll be at the Garth Brooks concert in Las Vegas that week. Darn!
  • OB I'll have 2 Blue Mongos please, I'm headed to SG #7 , please have the blues keep em' coming, I'll need them!
    And whatever @Hunnybunny wants when she gets here: D
  • Reading back, at last!

    Hey, @gumby you want that picture of "Gumby in Crown" I mashed it from a couple of pictures. PM your email address and it's yours, forever! Gravatar is easy, I can swop easy. Might be the lovely Miffy by the time you read this.

    But @kathy is The Princess
    Don't worry about boasting about your daughter, she's done well and worth it!.

    @bernersenn can never work out timings in ABN some appear GMT others CET. Love Wolf2, he'll be fine with you, as you know, despite the wrench

    Mister Rat Is Mrs Rat happy in retirement / consultancy? Or are you just getting on each other's nerves.....And Garth Brooks? Yuk! Not a favourite here

    "Tomorrow is another day" as Kathy said, stealing the comment from Scarlett, whom I'm just about to cuddle up in bed with (book-wise)

    Nighty night
  • Thanks @hunnybunny :D Nghty Night, sleep well, and Sweet Dreams:)
  • @kathy does a Blue Mongo make you sleepy, guess so, I'll take one to bed
    @gumby I'm Miffy (avatar) now. Took a minute of my time.
    Second, and probably final. Nighty night xx
  • Yeppers @hunnybunnny , you'll be in dreamland soon:)
  • uhmm @Pa your not in the top ten on PIg Bang 1-2 ?
  • howed i beat ya on that one, ?
  • A blue mongo gives you WINGS, perfect for flingin'
  • Well @knichy she'll have dreams of flying, and those are always pleasant, unless you fly to low and run into telephone and cable wires , that is lol
  • We train pilots to avoid those.....
  • You beat me because you're the Queen of Space @Ma.
  • Home again, home again, jiggety-jig.
    It's good to be back home.

    Good night @Ma
    *leaves Snicker just in case*
  • @bernersenn take me to Switzerland too @rat will need a break from watching wolf :)
    @kathy WASSSUUPP
    @hunnybunny yes I want that picture :)
  • Me Gotta go to dreamland, ,sorry i missed ya @gumby
    Nighty night @Pa
    Night @Snicker
  • @kathy AWW :( sleep well
  • OB I'm late, please have the blues set out the earplugs, *dumps baskets of earplugs on the bar*
  • Hello @everyone, I'm baaaack!

    Hmm, seems a bit deserted OB. But I'll have a nice mug of coffee, some fresh fruit and a croissant please.
  • @kathy and @bernersenn, looks like my time stamp is on GMT, and not my own time zone (US Pacific Daylight Savings). GMT is 7 hours ahead.
  • Hello guys,
    Good evening to you all.
    @sweetp that is weird, about that timezone.
  • Hi guys n' gal's My lunch break, thought Id pop in and say Hi:)
  • What is GMT ? my time stamp is correct for my zone EST.
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