The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 3054
  • I bought my friend an elephant for his room...
    He said "Thanks".
    I said "Don't mention it."
  • Well, is anyone going to mention the elephant in the room?
  • You said not to mention it!
  • I meant the tennis.
  • Hmm, you're the one who created the elephant @brianN.

    Anyway, I'm starting an Eddie is Innocent campaign. Watch this space.
  • Bit rough that Murray and Raducanu have both been drawn against very high seeds in Round One. I suspect that British interest in the singles will not be protracted.
  • It's not my fault the elephant is missing. Anyway British interest in the tennis is never protracted in this house. NFL pre season underway! Yay!
  • @brianN the double bird count : on certain occasions when it came to your end of game tally it would count a 10,000 bird left twice giving 20,000 bonus
  • Don’t offer Princess Kathy food
    She is the original Princess who could feel a pea under twenty mattresses, and has never ate since

  • Apparently we are moving to Muslim Weather Reports here
    Occasionally Sunni normally Shi’ite
  • Princess Kathy has made contact with Mrs Bunny
    All is well, just over tired from sleeping near a pea
  • As long as she doesn't pea when she's sleeping.
  • See that old reprobate Michael Gove was out tripping the light fantastic in an Aberdeen nightclub. Tight old Tory git tried to get out of paying £5 entry fee. Shi'ite!
  • Never heard that one before @ixan57. How would you prove that one?
  • Wow have i really missed 5 pages in a row..?? Sorry.
    Will do some catching up, unless someone wants to give me a quick refresh?
  • Roflmao @HunnyBunny that was one of my favourite fairy tales when I was young! And it's true!! Heehee.
  • Hey @kathy. Netflix coma? Here is a refresher. 5 pages of absolute insanity, peppered with the odd sensible comment from @desperatedan.
  • @briann The double counted bird glitch was a well discussed issue in the Nest a few years ago. Sorry, can’t narrow the timeline more than that. You probably need the wise owl for precise directions!
    And, speaking of the important elephant, Murray may not have made it past the first round, but what a great match!!!
    @kathy You just missed one page :-)
  • Thanks @Catsnbirds :D I knew I could count on you for a reasonable sane answer ;)
  • Tennis without Federer ?? Is it tennis? Where's the Bum ?
    I don't even watch tennis, it hurts my neck, I just remember all the lovely chatter amongst the girls, and of course @HunnyBunny 's epic picture of the Bum! Or was that @Jlz666 pic?
  • My advice overall 'Check under your mattress before you go to sleep'
    I always wondered Why there was Pea under the mattress of a Princess? What little girl likes Peas And why would she eat them in bed??
  • I think I answered my own question lol, good now I know the answer and can be sure to tell my new granddaughter Not to hide her uneaten Peas under her mattress, just tell Nana and I'll take them off your plate while mama isn't looking! (I won't go as far as eating them for her, there Are certain sacrifices I won't make! ):OR I'll just buy her a puppy !!
  • Nighty Night Birdie Friends .. ♡♡♡
  • @cats birds yes what a fantastic match! Shame Murray lost but amazing to watch.

    @Kathy I took the bum shot. :)
  • Ahh @Karen68 lol That was a great shot ;) im sorry.. time has passed so quickly .
  • @kathy. 32494 comments on this forum (I counted 'em). That's about 1 every 2 hours and 40 minutes for 10 years non-stop. I think you deserve a bit of a rest.
  • Wow, tennis fans. That match was worthy of a semi-final, not a first round. Can't believe Murray had a 5 hour match like that in him.
  • And...(ooh, I do love an elipsis or two)...
  • This is my one thousandth comment. Drinks all round.
  • Apropos of my Eddie is Innocent campaign, I did a Wiki on George Davis to research tactics. @brianN may well know what I am talking about. I have never read a Wiki entry quite like it, I have to say.
  • (Yawn) When does the 4th test start?

    Well, where should we begin? I think we should start at the bottom don't you? So @karen68 this bum shot. Does it have feathers and a tail? If so is it a selfie?

    I thought you might've come up with a more memorable comment for your 1000th @desperatedan.
    Something like: I've just sent the Saddometer of the scale by counting the total number of @kathy's comments in the BP. For my next trick I shall count the entire number of her comments in the whole of ABN. Then I'll set fire to my hair!

    However, you redeem yourself with the Eddie is innocent campaign. Right behind you on that one. And using George Davis as tactical inspiration was, well, inspired.
    For those who don't know about him he was the younger and some say much better brother of Joe and Fred. His tactical nous was legendary, once coming back from 15 snookers down to win a frame. He would probaby have won more world titles than his bros at both snooker and billiards. Sadly he died young when a cue ball lodged in his throat after a trickshot went tragically wrong.
    Of course back then prize money was negligible so he had a nice little side line in armed robbery.

    I think as responsible members of the nest we should be on the lookout for other miscarriages of justice. We also need a name. How about Justice league? Taken.
    Justice for fathers? Ditto
    Just is? Too vague. Aaah we'll leave that to @ixan57, he'll come up with a sensible name.

    @catsnbirds as urbane, erudite and charming as ever. Thought I'd read most of the walk through pages, this subject seems to have passed me by. Was it just Rio? Think I'll have to root out these older versions, see if I can sneakily boost my scores.

    And finally Princess Pea Pants. Who doesn't like peas? I even like Dean Pees.
    They did a scientific study published in the BMJ(after Viz @desperatedan's fav comic) It said (and I quote... "People who don't like peas are criminally insane"... end quote)
    You can't argue with science @kathy. Congrats on the baby granddaughter, just remember 3 basic rules you must instil in her:peas, love and understanding.

    Man I won't have time for lunch at this rate... Gulp, Snaffle, Snort Chomp... Even threw in an ellipsis or two just for you Dan.I'll have a G n T btw.
  • @BrianN the double bird count is only in Rio, too hard to pinpoint an exact spot to look for it but there was plenty of discussion about it. Try the walkthroughs for the older episodes.

    As for the bum shot, I don’t think you’ll appreciate it like the ladies do.

    I took this at the Rogers Cup final in Toronto many many years ago.

  • @karen68 as usual you are so right.
  • I'm assuming @karen68 it was one of those glitches that wasn't permissable when entering scores. I would imagine it might be difficult to tell. I suppose to a large extent you have to trust in the integrity of the individual. Which seems to work for the most part, cases like Eddie's few and far between one would hope.
  • Love that bum shot @karen68
    As always...
    Nothing else to say...
    Other than Brian has gone completely nuts...
    Four ellipsis...
    And counting
    Kathy loves them
  • Four undergraduates go to a festival, overjoyed after that after eighteen months of nothing, other than smoking dubious substances, they get to go out
    Four days later they are absolutely wasted.
    Realised that they can not get back for the really important final exam
    So one has a great idea
    Message their Professor “We are on our way back, but the tyre has blown, wont make the exam, can we sit it a day later?”
    “Yes” comes the reply
    So, a day later, they sit down
    The Professor explains that it has to be different paper, than the original, it is accepted
    Page one is really easy. Ten points for every question
    They get every one right
    And they turn the page for the 100 point question
    “Which tyre blew?”
  • A funny yet clean joke @hunnybunny. What's going on?
  • Oh no, it's September. W'happen?
  • In the case of Eddie, this double bubble birdie trouble is wild conjecture. Eddie provides what I am going to call provenance. He describes what happened, i.e. an extra column fell down. I can see from my own scores that if it happened to me, I could have got that score too. He's not crazily in the lead. All these years he has been cast out, labelled a cheat. It's the greatest injustice since they stopped showing repeats of The Goodies. I'm as mad as hell and I'm not going to take it any more. etc.

    Where's my glass of milk?
  • My expectation of the tennis bum shot was not exactly that but the one that you get when you Wiki "tennis girl". You can get that poster from Athena. Oh wait, I seem to have gone down a worm hole in time. While I was there I dug up the test match wicket to protest Eddie's innocence.

    I will admit I may have lost most people at this point. My advice, just lurk and keep a watch out for that light-fingered Tom Hanks trying to get back into the Lounge. I think he's been spotted skulking on the patio.
  • And there's the Bum shot , heehee!!
    Great joke @HunnyBunny :D Ohh to be a fly on the wall to see their faces hahaha!
    @DesperateDan I don't know who Eddie is, but I believe you of his innocence of whatever he is accused of, just like OJ was Innocent! And a Jury acquitted him! Not his fault he's a big dummy and couldn't let well enough alone, he just had to go the extra mile! But that's what football players do right¿? It was HIS stuff after all heehee!!
  • Nighty Night Birdie Friends ♡♡♡
  • Weird on my phone Your Avatars show as DD and BN ??
  • Don't worry @desperatedan, I know what you are talking about. Probably not a good thing.
  • And I'm not having OJ compared to Eddie.
  • @brianN hope you have a quick lunch today
  • A bitter sweet day
    It’s my day: White Rabbit’s Day (peek at my avatar)
    I had to buy a 60th Birthday Card for my younger sister, god that made me feel old
    But the lovely Frenchman in the Gastro Pub had Toulouse Sausage on the menu today, and offered me to taste some French Sausage! Kathy will understand better...
  • Still trying to work out the bitter from the sweet. If a Frenchman offered me a taste of his sausage I'd deck him.
  • I'd like to get my avatar on my BP posts but I think that's wishful thinking.
  • Ooh la la! French saucisson whilst wearing a fez.
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