The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 493
  • oh c'mon!!
  • Careful @angryboy... Kathy might start making you wear her tierra if you keep changing the page...
  • first at the BP Jr and now here! just call me "Jr page changer"
  • Ha ha @burbman, wonder how the tiara would look on @angryboy.
    Thanks, I've been lucky, but I'm flinging with lots of help, lots of good advice from others.
  • i perfer crown than tierra
  • *Lurking* I have had a busy day today and had a visit at my parents.

    Love the read about the fishing trip :) But I have to little time to stay in one place at the same time and I only "speak" when I am on the computer. I just can't manage texting on the phone.
  • just be glad I didn't suggest the tutu!
  • But it's 1 am again, so it's time for me to turn in for the night. Hope to have more time tomorrow.
  • hahahhaha LOL Burbman, I make pictures in my mind, so be aware, sometimes (not this time its wayyy to late) they turn up on the screen ;)
  • That is why you are our official BP artist @e-star! Good night!
  • :-)

    Night night @burbman
  • Hello.....
  • Guess I have the patio to myself?
  • * poofs to patio with 2 glasses of wine*
    Hey @karen68 :)
  • Hmmm... if you can keep me occupied, I'll keep you company for a little bit
  • @kathy, @bill, nice to see others here!
    Thanks for the wine, you read my mind.
  • How to occupy Bill..
  • I had an interesting day to day. My car was in the shop, so I got a rental to take home while my car was being serviced. It was going to take all day. I've never driven an automatic transmission, and that's what they gave me, and didn't tell me. I didn't realize it until I got out of the parking lot and onto the road. So I had to very quickly and on the fly, learn myself very quickly how to operate a 5-speed.
  • yeah. loads of fun that was
  • sorry, did I say I had never driven an automatic? wow, that's terrible. I must need some sleep
  • I meant to say that I had never driven a manual tranny.
  • Crash course on driving standard?
  • Sorry Bill, poor choice of words. I'm impressed, took me a while to learn, usually in an empty parking lot.
  • lol. yeah, I didn't have much time to think about it. Just do. lol. Life or death. That can often times affect someone to concentrate extremely hard on the task at hand. Very interesting though, I must say.
  • So are you a standard convert?
  • Hello everyone.
  • something like that. hello Mighty
  • Hello @Bill. How are you? Hows ABF going on for you?
  • Hi @mighty, how are you
  • I am fine @karen68. Thanks for asking. What about you? Just waiting for the new update now.
  • Mighty, it's going well. I think the admins have gotten to the point where if there's any question whether a score is possible, they call on me for my valuable knowledge. Not to say that my word is final, it definitely isn't that, but it is a force.
  • That's really nice. I hear that the update for Facebook, Pigini Beach, removed the hacking part.
  • Just developed a new high score strategy for one of the tournament levels this week, which decimates any previous strategy. I feel very good about that.
  • no Mighty, it's not true. It was once thought to be true, but a few hours in, and the cheat was back.
  • There are at certain times when Firefox will not even open ABF at all, and you have to use a different browser, so I do think they are working on it. Just not sure what they can do, or how long it will take.
  • That's bad. It seems stupid to cheat in a game like Angry Birds. I had a friend on FB but had to unfriend him as he had really high scores. Sad.
  • hmmm... I won't lie, I have experimented with the cheat.
  • Unlimited free power ups does sound really nice.
  • It does. Only not on ABN.
  • I am in a secret group called Angry Birds Champions, and some bloke decided to post it so that everyone would be on a level playing field. So, since we all had access to it, we were indeed on a level playing field...
  • You are absolutely right. You also realize that when a cheat like that is put into the hands of someone like me, I can be extremely dangerous with it. I combine it with my skill to get 25, 30, sometimes even 40k more than what is possible without it. I take everything I do to the extreme.
  • you remember when you saw those scores on Golden Egg 6 that were making everybody so upset. We all knew that the scores they were posting were not possible. They were 35k more than what most people get.
  • So that level was the first one that I was curious about, so I played it with the cheat, and obtained a score 50k more than what was possible without the cheat. Of course I would never post scores like that here, and I can make legit videos of any of my scores, if I'm ever called on to do it.
  • Sadly, I think my scores may well be a part of the problem. I'm afraid that new people see them, and assume that I cheat, so they assume they can cheat, then they start taking over the leaderboards.
  • I remember. I can't and don't want to imagine a Bill with unlimited power-ups ;)
  • Then we have to sift through them, analyze scores, and delete ones we don't think are possible to obtain legitimately.
  • Nothing like that. If someone does, you can just show your individual level score from the menu right?
  • Yes, in general, unless they are believed to be unobtainable.
  • Then a higher form of proof may be necessary. Though most of the time we don't even bother with that. We also ask for a strategy, and if they can provide it, and it can be determined that the score can be obtained without it, then it's ok. Otherwise, it's adios to your score.
  • I think you do a really good job on taking out those high scores. And of course taking out your time for giving us those videos on how to get really nice scores.
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