Angry Birds Suggestion: A New Preference: Manually Ending Level
  •'s a suggestion that I think would be quite helpful to some. I get so frustrated at Angry Birds at times when items are in the midst of collapsing and the level ends. Good score or not, I know it could've been a BETTER score had I gotten credit for that large structure that just hasn't hit the ground yet. I also realize that because of the very nature of the game, you can't just indiscriminately keep a level going once all the pigs/bird cages/monkeys are gone.

    So I propose the following: Rovio should add a preference to either keep current "automatic" ending of a level (which could be the default) based upon whatever they decide (some levels end IMMEDIATELY after the last pig is popped, others actually hang around for a short bit...go figure) or chose to do a manual end. This will allow for players to extend the playtime to allow for all potential falling material to actually fall and or be destroyed and collect those much coveted points. To manually end a level, they could put an icon similar to a stop sign to the right of the current stash of icons on the top (for iOS devices, to the right of the Eagle Icon)... Also, you would not get credit for your score/effort until you officially end the level.

    I put this here for two reasons: 1) to see if the idea has any merit, traction, and/or support from you guys, and 2) since ABN has a closer ear to Rovio than we the general populous do, they could pass it on directly.
  • I like the idea, but think it could be even easier. I have suggested in the past that a +5 sec feature be added to the level complete screen along with the new fast forward button that ABO received with the latest update. The +5 sec would act as if the user had pushed pause at the point the level switched over, and then resume at that point. I suppose that a user could continue to add 5 seconds at a time, until they were ready to be done, much like the snooze on an alarm clock. Would require less in the way of instructions than a user settings control panel.
  • The reason why I suggested the preference (and the default set to automatically end) is because the game would be the exact same "right out of the box" that users are already familiar with. It'd be easier for any current and potential new users. You'd have to go manually set preference to your liking to do the manual ending, which you probably wouldn't be too concerned about unless you were trying to max out scores anyways and most of those are on the Internet surfing for strategies anyways. In addition, since Rovio has a penchant for not putting any text regarding game play whatsoever (leading to confusion for some things), this would lead to less confusion.
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