Suggestion For New Game: Angry Birds: Commercialism
  • Hopefully, these so called gimmicky "exclusives" in various incantations have some sort of expiration date, and if so I would LOVE to see a new game: Angry Birds: Commercialism

    We can populate it with the various commercial or gimmicky levels that has been released thus far. I am referring to levels like the following:

    Vuela Tazos
    Google+ (both the shared and Google Chrome)
    Fuji TV
    Nokia phone with NFC
    Samsung Galaxy for Angry Birds Space

  • Don't forget Cheetos! :)
  • It would be nice to have all of the unique levels in an IOS app, but I'm not gonna hold my breath on that one.
  • I was thinking the same thing & want it to happen bad. There is nothing better than playing on a mobile device. They HAD (I just check and don't know where it went) the links to Pistachio & Volcano inside the Chrome application. And it didn't seem too hard to take the Surf & Turf levels and insert them into ABO. Pistachio no longer makes you collect credits to play and I think its the same with Vuela Tazos. Which means they do seem to have an expiration date.

    The only thing I can think of that would hold it up and I think its a big one is that incentives would get confusing. How much would Rovio make off of using Brands of those companies and vice versa?

    On the other hand if the finances work out for everyone & with mobile downloads being SO huge I think it would be a money maker for Rovio. Imagine the number of companies wanting to push their product through routine Angry Birds mobile updates within a AB Commercialism app.
  • I would buy it!
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