What needs an update
  • Personally, I think that
    Original- needs end of surf and turf
    Rio- needs new chapter?

    PC- Mighty Eagle
  • PC needs a mighty eagle update FOR SURE
  • Oh, forgot about pc and Mac

    I'm iOS
  • Rovio is trying to update all of their apps. Just a lot more work with a lot of different apps around.
  • I know, but I just want to see people's thoughts
  • @Dyl :

    PC (all versions): unlimited Mighy Eagle/Space Eagle, unlimited power-ups (toggle-able as in iOS).

    Space: Lower 3-star thresholds (Too many levels require a 1-bird clear to get 3 stars), Red Planet completion, egg levels for Danger Zone, Neil Armstrong tribute (a Fry Me to the Moon expansion?).

    Rio: Easier to 3-star boss levels, cleared labels when hidden fruits are obtained. (probably won't get another Rio update until just before the Rio 2 movie is released.

    Seasons (PC): The remaining Facebook levels from iOS/Android.

    Original: Pigini Beach, Green Day.
  • @brave1966
    1) Power Ups are not unlimited anywhere, nor is the Space Eagle.
    2) Lower 3-star thresholds makes it less fun, frankly. You need a challenge.
    3) Labels are removed when you obtain a fruit already.
    4) Agreed.
    5) I would not like to see this.
  • OK....just curious, why do you agree that remaining levels from iOS/Android should be put on Facebook, when in another posting you said you wouldn't like to double-up on levels, and then confirm that by indicating that you would not like to see Pigini Beach and Green Day in mobile app form? (which you used the concept of double-upping on them as the reason you wouldn't want them on mobile apps to begin with)
  • Are you asking about (4)?

    I'm interpreting this item as adding the 3 Facebook/Twitter levels from Hogs and Kisses (et. al.) to PC/Mac.
  • Do you know what I think needs an update? Angry Birds Google Plus!!!
  • @AMslimfordy :

    1) Rationale: since the PC (and I would assume Mac as well) is a one-time purchase without IAP, this would be needed if the ME, SE and PU already in the game graphics files are enabled.
    2) IMHO, There needs to be more balance between 1-birders and max destruction. Otherwise, why give extra birds on the 1-bird levels?
    3) Clarification: a label that says "CLEARED" instead of the one prior to collecting the fruit.
    4) Correct assumption. :)
    5) The web-based levels run too slowly compared with a compiled app.
  • 1) Since this is all just "in theory", we might as well probe it. Supposing IAPs ever end up for PC (Mac has the ability now, I believe, just not enacted in Rovio apps yet), I would guess it would allow for consumable IAPs.
    2) There's plenty of levels where you can earn even more points by flinging extra birds, especially if they're (say) Big Brothers or Black Birds.
    3) AH! Not a bad idea there, I didn't understand. That would have been nice.
    4) Done.
    5) I'm not denying that, though I have expressed my desire (as heathen pointed out) that I don't like repetitive levels. Surf & Turf has been done twice now, for example. I haven't enjoyed it much the 2nd time around.
  • I think that I misread the stated want...I originally read it as adding the rest of iOS/Android levels to Facebook.
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