Love Angry Birds, but 2 things annoy me to no end!!
  • 1 - when using the eagle, it's not so much about clearing all the stuff as it is about clearing it in the exact way the designers want you to. I can't tell you how many times I've cleared way more than the percentage I'm given. If I try another approach I may leave some stuff behind but it'll give me 100% because apparantly I did it 'correctly'!

    2 - often, with the bird that drops eggs, I'll tap the sceen well before the bird hits something but the egg won't drop. Like there's a pre-defined border and you have to drop the egg before the border, not before the bird hits something.

    Issue #1 has causedme to juststop playing the eagles. Issue 2 is just plain annoying!

    I sure wish both would be fixed!
  • You are entitled to your opinions. But it seems that they are a bit misguided.
    1- Some Blocks on a level are given a "value". The objective is to figure out which ones need to be destroyed to achieve 100%. It's not necessarily about clearing all the blocks. That would be impossible on most levels.

    2- The only reason the white egg doesn't drop the egg is because it either got hit by debris while flying or it hit a block itself. There are no invisible borders. Timing is crucial with this bird.
  • Issue #1 - I thought this was an issue too but after playing countless hours I've realized that this is not true at all. Different parts of the level count more toward the percentage. For example, leaving round boulders of any size is a sure shot of NOT getting 100%. Each level is different and not necessarily about clearing out the most but clearing out the parts that will count most. (Didn't read Sals response, sorry)

    Issue #2 - I would play on an iOS device if I were you. I have experience this with the web version (on my old computer, not on my new larger one), Nook Color (assume its because the thing is slow at everything), & only a couple times on my Android (when I had tons of stuff multitasking). This has never happened to me on my iPhone or iPad.

    You have to remember that these games were designed for the mobile devices and run extremely well on them. If they didn't they wouldn't be as big of a hit as they are.
  • Ok, I guess I misunderstood #1 Thanks for clearing that up. As for #2 i only play on my 3rd gen Ipad, and I can recreate it at will. Nothing touches the bird and I tap to release the egg just before the bird crashes. Still won't drop. I'm not convinced it's not a bug.
  • Hmmm, that is interesting. I have never experienced it myself other than what I mentioned above. I does sound like something is amiss because the white bird should shoot whenever and where ever you press as long as she hasn't made contact.
  • Unless there is a lag between when you want to tap and when your finger actually activiates your device. That could be your issue as well, I know that sometimes if my fingers are really dry, I get laggy response times.
  • Sal and Lostgreybird, I think your responses to #1 are basically the same as what he said. Certain items have a value to them. If you don't get that item with the ME, you will never get 100%, no matter how much you clear. I just got the ME for ABO (android user) and went through all 300+ levels trying to get the feather. There are some levels where, if you dont get that "magical" item, you wont get 100%. Again, I think this was set by the programmers. I wish I could remember the level, but it seemed like I wiped out a heck of of a lot of the level only to get around 80%, Changed my strat, cleared out (what seemed like) fewer things, but got the "right" things, 100%.

    Re: #2, I'm not sure if it was just my slow phone (Sal, you know what I'm dealing with) or what, but there were tons of times when I would go to drop the egg and Poof, nothing. It was usually when I was trying to to a very presise drop. Either very close to an object or just under a ledge. I just attributed it to the lag on my phone, would reset and try again. But I can feel your pain on this issue Manticore.
  • I'm still waiting for the 30 Angry Birds Surf n Turf levels that are missing. My tablet keeps saying that they are coming soon, but I also have read that some people have had their other scores wiped out when they arrive. Do they just come to my tablet wirelessly like some of the other levels did, or is it a separate program I have to download?
  • There is one thing that really annoys me about this game, though I may be wrong(feel free to correct me if I am).

    There seems to be some sort of probability engine or something like that going on. There are times where I will fling a bird at a certain spot and it will just annihalate it. Then I do the exact same thing, after restarting, and it will basically do nothing. There are times Terrance will just bounce off of structures and other times where he is like a wrecking ball(even hitting the exact same place and exact same fling power). That really takes out a lot of the skill and makes it more about luck, meaning if you fling enough times you will eventually get a massive amount of points.
  • @WandaK you must update via your App Store, depending on which device you are using.

    Tech Artist, it's impossible to do the exact same thing twice. You will always be a pixel or two off.
  • @TechArtist -- It is true that it's virtually impossible to do the same thing twice; however, it's also true that there is some variation in the starting conditions, random, pseudo-random, or varied by some predetermined scheme. See for example, the forum thread on self-destroying levels. There is also an older thread on random chance in AB, but I haven't looked at it in a while, so it may not be useful.
    So, basically I agree, that even if you were able to do the exact thing twice, you sometimes would definitely not get the same outcome. Don't know how you could prove that this is true all the time.
    BTW -- I was very disappointed to find out that this variation happened, but have learned to live with it.
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