Future Angry Birds Sequels
  • I wanted to enthrall everyones minds with some awesome ideas for future Angry Birds sequels, have you got any...
  • Well we have visited a futuristic "paradise" with Angry Birds Space so why doesn't Angry Birds travel in the other direction and visit Pre-Historic times - Caveman Times (100,000-10,000 BC) or Dinosaur Times (225,000,000-65,000,000 BC) or maybe even a mix up of all times before modern Humans. If we went in the direction of the cavemen then Rovio could make new types of Warthogs (fit with giant tusks) that have bones on their heads and wear Leapord skin robes.
  • Also there could be some sort of a prequel to Angry Birds that describes the specific reason behind the pigs wrongdoings, maybe the species were best friends and they turned against each other in some tragic event. It could be called "The Young Angry Birds Chronicles"
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