Chapter 1, 2, 3, and 4 of BB's in Miami; The Story
  • This page is made for Chapter One of BB's in Miami; The Story.

    Chapter One:
    BB: Aren't you excited??? Woo-Hoo!
    Eggy: Well...yeah. It will be fun.
    Eggy: Right. That's what I meant.
    BB: What do you think we should do first?
    Eggy: First? Uhh...South Beach?
    Eggy: What?
    BB: I don't think South Beach is a good place for an egg.
    Eggy: Why?
    Eggy: BB!
    Eggy: Huh?
    BB: Let's talk about something else please.
    Puffy: Hey guys!
    BB& Eggy: Hey, Orange. Excited?
    Puffy: You know it! The first thing I'm gonna do is...MUFFIN CART! Later, Guys!
    Eggy: Odd. I didn't know Puffy liked muffins. What were we saying?
    BB: What we were going to do first in Magic City.
    Eggy: Oh yeah..What were we going to do again?
    BB: How about a Marlins game? Or surfing lessons? Or...
    Eggy: Stop right there! You know I hate surfing!
    BB: It was just a suggestion...
    Eggy: How about an art museum? Miami if full of them!
    BB: BORING! How 'bout something actually fun for a change?
    *The two discuss plans, while someone else is on board.*
    Moustache: Mmmmm... I can taste those eggs now! Once I capture Eggy and two other eggs, I shall have a feast! Muahahahaha!
    Pig: Sire, we're landing.
    Moustache: Really awesome!
    Pig: Indeed, sire.
    Moustache: Hmm... Just you wait, Eggy! I'm coming for you! ^

    Chapter 2
    BB: Wow. This place is huge!
    Eggy: Yeah. Much bigger than I thought!
    Speedy: Hey BB and Eggy!
    BB: Yo, Speedy! Wazaaaaap!
    Speedy: Wazaaaaap!
    Eggy:...What just happened?
    Puffy: Hey! Wazaaaaap!
    BB: Wazaaaaap!
    Speedy: Wazaaaaap!
    Sensei: Hola! Wazaaaaap!
    BB: Waza-
    Eggy: AAAHHH!!!!! SHUT UP!!!
    Puffy: Uhh...wanna go to the pool?
    Everybody: YEAH!!!
    Sensei: So...Where's Blue the Second?
    Speedy: Dunno. But I do know that this pool is awesome!
    Everybody: YEAH!
    Eggy: Hey, can I go to the Jacuzzi?
    BB: NO!
    *Meanwhile, back at the hotel, in the garbage.*
    Moustache: Sitting here, waiting for an egg for my tummy! Hahahahahaha!
    Pig: Hey, sire!
    Moustache: Yeah?
    Pig: I found this Annoying Orange toy!
    Orange: Hey, hey Pig! Hey!
    Moustache: WHAT?!?!?
    Orange: Garbage truck!
    Moustache: What???...Oh no.
    *Garbage truck picks them up and drives to the Dump.*
    Pig: That was an oddly unfortunate phrase.
    Other Pig: That's what the Annoying Orange is all abo-
    Moustache: AHHHHHHH!!!!! I'll get you Eggy!
    Pig: But now we're going to the dump Yay!
    Other Pig: Who are you, Marshmallow?
    Moustache: Oh, shut it. ^

    Chapter 3:
    *Abandoned Weapon Den*
    Blue: What glorious scene of weaponry! But I can only choose one. Hmmm....I shall weapon while singing a song!
    Blue: Oh what great weapons as far as the eye can see.
    What's that? Oh, yeah! Duh! That's weaponry!
    Each one has feelings, buttons, colors, and clues,
    But which shall I choose?
    This one weighs twenty-three pounds!
    This one weighs a ton!
    If I has this bomb, I would surely be number one!
    Lasers, discs, TNT,
    Look at this green tank!
    If I has this double sided laser, I could even rob a bank!
    A glacier making gun! That's how the Titanic sank!
    If I has this grenade, I would have the highest rank!
    My, oh my, what a beautiful fuse! And with this blaster, I couldn't lose!
    If I could just hook up this dynamite,
    Red wire or blue?
    I could blow something up!
    True, oh so true!
    A silver colored sword? That's what pirates used to raid!
    And this tranquilizer matches these blades!
    Blue: Come on Blue, enough singing and pick one! Time's a wasting!
    Blue: I pick you!
    *Jumps into a camoflague tank.*
    Blue: Comfy! Hey, a button!
    *Tank becomes 5 times bigger, faster, and had more fuel mileage.*
    Blue: 0_0...Muahahahahahaha! ^

    Chapter 4:
    Mustache: Sigh. I should have gone to Stanford when I had the chance.
    Pig: Why didn't you?
    Mustache: I don't want to talk about it.
    Pig: Okay!
    Mustache: While we're here, maybe we can make something really cool out of these pieces of stuff?
    Pig 2: Hmmm...why not a robot?
    Mustache: Don't be dumb. Hmm...why not a robot?
    Pig 2: Wow, you're so smart! I would have guessed that!
    Mustache: Quickly, everyone! Gather up every piece you can find to make the ultimate robot!
    Pig 3: Okay...but can we go faster? These rats are literally nibbling me as we speak!
    Rats: He tastes like bacon!
    *One epic collecting and building montage later...*
    Mustache: It's perfect! But how does it work?
    Pig 2: One pig controls one of each body part, top to bottom!
    Pig: What?
    Mustache: Nothing. Change the subject! CHANGE THE SUBJECT!!!!!
    Pig 2: How will you cook Eggy?
    Mustache: Uhh...Boiled I guess...anyway, let's get a move on!
    Pig 3: Sorry, rats. But I got to go!
    Rats: Awe man!
    *Downtown Miami*
    BB: Boy, didn't you just love that Dolphins game!
    Eggy: But they lost!
    BB: Yeah! And the Eagles won!
    Eggy: were rooting for the Eagles??? I thought you were a-
    Sensei: Guys! Guys!
    BB & Eggy: Hey Master White! What's up?
    Sensei: My Karate Pork Chop senses tell me you're in danger, Eggy!
    Eggy: Really? and BB don't believe you.
    BB: Yeah!
    BB: Odd...Ooh, a Marlins Game! ^

    Chapter Five:
  • @Slim, you may close this page and other chapter pages. There is no need for comments. This page will be linked from the main page, so it doesn't matter if these pages fade away.
  • I think you are better off creating your own blog site for this. We aren't really a "personal blog" site.
  • Don't worry, I won't make another least for the rest of the year. Please go ahead and close this discussion when you can. Comments aren't worth having on this discussion.
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