Angry Birds Movie Contest (participants please!)
  • If an Angry Birds big-screen movie was made, how do you think it would go? I've decided to do a contest where you do a basic plot line (minimum 5 sentences) for an Angry Birds movie. It can feature AB Original, Seasons, Rio, Space, any combination you'd like, or even your own game you created. To enter, please write the story-line into a comment on this discussion or into a public message to me (@SpaceMaster). Please give it a title, there's no limit to how long it can be. PLease, though, don't make more then 2 entries.


    @BBinMiami's Angry Birds: The Movie

  • My movie idea, called Angry Birds: The Movie, goes where the birds are first seen hatching, forced to see the horror of their parents taking on pigs in the endless seeming war, so after a few years, they find three eggs who need care and affection. But as they do, they realize that humans and evolution is upon them, so they are forced to move to the Pig City, where they must learn to deal with city life, how to take care of their eggs in the city, and protect them from the evil green pigs who live in the Pig City. But as they live, they meet new birds, new surroundings, and later on...a slingshot? Can the birds use the slingshot and save their eggs, or will King Pig and his minions succeed in having omelettes? Find out, in Angry Birds: The Movie!
  • @BBinMiami's Angry Birds: The Movie added!
  • Added to what?
  • Well, BBinMiami... Since nobody else entered, I guess you're the winner! Thanks for participating, your movie idea was great!
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