• I have 3 stars on every level in orig and seasons except hamoween 3.3. That second shot bouncing on top of pumpkin pig just does not have enough energy to break that vertical post. I have been trying this one level for three weeks. That second shot is impossible. I am using Droid only. I have scored 96,500 many times. Any other way to get three stars?

  • Did you watch video on walkthrough section? There have some strat. comment
  • What do you mean with hamoween 3.3?
  • @judy, there is no Hamoween 3-3, do you mean Trick or Treat level 3-3? If so, that is a tricky level. There are a bunch of comments on how difficult it is along with some different methods.

    Here is a link to the walkthrough:


    (I noticed that the link has halloween in it, but the episode is actually Trick or Treat)
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