Leader Board High Scores for Angry Birds
  • I have a issue with the high scores shown on the leaderboard for Angry Birds. The score for the first 65 players is 9,223,372,036,854,775,807 (?). How could this be without cheating? I have sent several requests to Rovio and they just tell me my request is being sent to a staff member. I have never received an answer to date. Can anyone explain such high of a score? I am using an iPad with the iso platform. My current level on the leaderboard is 129 (Mindgazer).


  • Those are hacked scores.
    Rovio has no control over that, but Apple (Gamecenter) does purge them periodically.
  • This users only Hack Game Center not the Game itself. For real Hackers it's a Easy way to hack GC !!!
  • @colbob that's world infamous fact. It's not only for Angry Birds leaderboards but also several other the most popular games. You can search on the Internet about Game Center being hacked.
  • Thanks all for the information!
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