  • I downloaded the new Seasons package today, and after the Rovio logo I get a nice picture of birds sitting around a picnic and then...

    the screen goes blank and it crashes. I know my iPhone isn't the latest model, but all the firmware and so on is up to date. Got a problem here?
  • They had the same problem with the latest AB update. Does it work if you try again? If not, you might have to wait for a bug fix. Some people report deleting the game and redownloading worked for AB, but I would recommend you not do that as you will lose all your game history and progress.
  • Most people say just restarting the phone clears RAM for it to run fine.
  • I had no issues with Seasons on any of my devices.
  • Yup, clearing the RAM by re-starting works. Guess it had been a while since I'd done that. Thanks!
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