Max Credits after 100% completion?
  • I've done everything except 3* all character levels and I have 2160 credits. I don't plan on buying any extra. What is the most you can get in this release?
  • That's exactly how many I got. I was disappointed- Just barely below the required amount to get all Rewards Levels without telepods. Hrmph.
  • All rewards levels. What do you mean, I've just been trying to save up to get a high end non telepod character (like general grevious) for unlimited use
  • There will obviously be more "credits" to be earned in future releases.
  • I think with the 2160 you can earn in-game, it's possible to unlock all but one of the reward chapters. Does anyone know how the sale section of the shop works? It may be possible to save the
  • I have 2260 credits. Not sure where the difference came from.
    I have not used any yet, no character swaps used, nor are any of my scores obtained from telepods since I play on a 7" Kindle Fire (no camera).
  • It looks like 2660 is the maximum currently if you find all the collectables in the rewards chapter and play for 24 hours. That will give you your extra 500.
  • Yes, 2660 seems to be the maximum. And I think the minimum required to get all of the achievements is 2720. And that assumes you buy 10x General Grevious at -70%.
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