Lost Progress in Red's Mighty Feathers?
  • So I have the free version of Angry Birds on my android phone which contains 11 variants, and really enjoyed playing the variation of Red's Mighty Feathers where the pigs drive vehicles and try to pick up the egg near your sling shot and you can through as many birds as you need in order to destroy the vehicle and the pig. Well, I recently updated this Angry Birds and all my progress was removed for that specific variant and that entire version of Red's Mighty Feathers was changed into just like all the others.
    How do I get that variant back?
    Can I download some new app?
  • Sign back in to your Rovio Account.
  • The original levels (Egg Defender) are on the second page. Just scroll over.
  • I never had a Rovio account and I have screenshots of me attempting to scroll over to the right and left and there is nothing there. I just dont know how to upload pictires to the forum for this site. Is there a separate egg defender app I can download?
  • On the main page, click the gear in the bottom-left corner and click "i" for information. The first thing to scroll should be "Angry Birds v3.x.x". Can you tell us what the version number is?
  • When you open Red's Mighty Feathers, there are 2 pages of levels. The left page contains 15 "classic style" levels, and the right contains the 15 Egg Defender levels.
  • Oh my gosh! You're my hero! Wow. That was really simple. Thanks.
  • No problem! Glad to help.

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