Seasons total score wacky
  • I'm surprised this isn't posted somewhere already...just point me in the right direction if it has.

    On the new Summer Pignic when I get a new high score it adds it to my former cumulative score like normal. However, it just keeps going and going and going! On Day 1 when I had like 100,000 pts or whatever, it kept counting until like 4.5 million! When I went out and checked my score again it had reverted back to what it was supposed to be.

    This happens each time I get a new high score or complete a new level. Has anyone else noticed this? I am on both a 3rd and 4th gen iPod Touch.
  • Known bug. It's taking your score from Trick or Treat by mistake. Rovio is aware.
  • Aaaah that makes sense as to why it stopped at a seemingly arbitrary number instead of going to a bazillion.
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