Level Glitches & Bugs (Moved to the "New Forum"!) Page 16
  • @AMslimfordy -- FYI, no glitch this morning for me. The only difference this time was that I accessed the level a few hours earlier (5:30 am EST as opposed to 8:30 or 9:30). They probably just fixed it.
  • I don have any problem, but ads on score is no showing, same server?
  • @ChaosTsar I didn't hear any negative reports today, so hopefully it's resolved.
    @PJng "ads on score"? I don't understand.
  • In android is advertise version, ads is showing on upper of score, but this few day no advertise on that.
  • It could be part of the server issue. Maybe they temporarily disabled them to do diagnostics. I'm not sure.
  • @pjng and @amslimfordy, regarding the ads on Android. I am still running ver 3.1.0 of Seasons. I have not update to ver 3.1.1 (yet). I have noticed in the past that some of the android updates that had a whole new episode didn't have ads in them. Then a few days later a "bug fix" update for android is available. In the past, it seems like that bug fix patch would enable the ads. Waiting until after the 25th to do the update. Really enjoying the no ads at this point. I'll try to update this post when the ads show up or after I update to 3.1.1
  • After downloading and playing a few levels in the Angry Birds Original update that was released today, I went back to AB Seasons to work on today's level. I did NOT update to 3.1.1 yet but the ads started up again. Guess my theory stated above has been proven wrong.
  • I noticed yesterday that when trying to play any level on Angry Birds Friends for Facebook, I cannot click and grab the bird to launch it. Everything else seems to be working just fine. I have tried using both Firefox and I.E., have cleared my cache, updated flash and am having the same problem with both web browsers!

    Ok, for some unknown reason I can now grab and launch the bird, but now I can't see the whole playing field.... stuff on the far right is being cut off on all levels, not just the tournament!
  • I am having the same problem as yesmeetoo. I can play Angry Birds Friends in small screen mode but not in big screen. I too have also tried reinstalling flash and both ie and Chrome web browsers.
  • I have 3-starred all levels of ABO, Rio, Seasons, Space and all the Star War Levels available. My issue is with the control of the birds on SW for Mac. In all other AB versions I just control the birds with one finger on the pad, but in SW the "hand/finger" pointer (cursor) stays on while playing and only 3-finger "pull" motion pulls the birds back and release of the 3-finger swipe launches the bird. Why does the "hand/finger" stays on and control is different. How do I get to fix it so it is a seamless control as the other 4 AB games. The problem is on my MacBook Pro. No problems on my iPhone.
  • PLEASE HELP!! I have most Angry Bird editions but when I purchased the Star Wars (P.C VERSION) when I got up to Tatooine 1-19 level, when I have launched the yellow hans solo bird and then go to use the blaster, the blaster shoots the wrong way(i.e back at the launcher and not the piggies). I know for a fact this is a glitch as I have watched the walkthrough videos and the hans solo bird on those fires to the right, yet mine will only fire to the launcher direction which means i cannot progress any further. I have noticed on here a couple of other users having the same problem. Please not it is nothing to do with the direction of the mouse, you have to click and drag to launch the bird and then click again to fire but it ALWAYS only will fire back to the launcher which obviously doesn't make sense as there are no piggies there. Please excuse me going on but I have messaged support and they always misunderstand me saying its where I tap the screen. YOU DON'T TOUCH THE SCREEN ON A PC VERSION!!!

    I thought this might just be a glitch on the pc version i bought but exactly the same thing happens on the free facebook version. PLEASE PLEASE HELP. Its driving me insane. THANKS X
  • @15thadam, yellow birds no glitch at all, it will shoot where you click it, i think you are wrong click direction.
  • @15thadam Please calm down.

    Yes, on this site, we always say "tap the screen" since the majority of users here at AngryBirdsNest are mobile flingers. However, PC/Mac users are very active here, and it should be known that when we say "tap the screen", the equivalent for PC/Mac users is "click".

    That said, our prevelant response of "tap the screen where you want Han to shoot" is translated as "click where you want Han to shoot". If you click near the slingshot, he'll shoot near the slingshot. If you click in the top-right corner of the window, he'll shoot there.
  • When i play BP on my father's galaxy note 2, i can't play it using stylus, but when i play ABSW, i can play it using stylus. So, does anyone have this problem?
  • @Harrystar6, that green thing is not required to pass a level.
  • @PJng ok thanks for telling me I fought the fake darth vader glowing in green was a pig.
  • Does anyone else have a problem with the purchase of the Mighty Eagle for Angry Birds Rio? I have made numerous attempts to contact Google Play and Rovio; to an avail. I spent 45 minutes on hold with Google and nothing worked. They attempted to refund the purchase price for me to attempt to download again but the refund was not processed because it has been a few days since the purchase. I know it is only .99 but I am unable to unlock the remaining games on Rio as I cannot purchase the Mighty Eagle. I would hate hate hate to have to uninstall Rio. Took me forever to master the game. All of my other in app purchases have processed. Wonder if it is Rio. Rovio has not responded in days. Frustrated. Thanks for the help and as always I really enjoy the nest. Thanks. M
  • @masmith52 It is also the weekend, and the weekend before a major holiday. Most companies are pretty short staffed right now. I would give it a few days, let the holidays pass, and try Rovio again. I haven't heard any widespread issues with the Mighty Eagle in Rio. I would recommend restarting your device and attempting the "purchase" again.
  • @masmith52 I didn't have any problem with purchase. It might be one really stupid thing , have you checked box that you agree with purchase terms?
  • I have contacted google play and it does not seem to be on their end. They verified that I have purchasesd the ME. I have uninstalled and reinstalled and done a few other things that google play suggested. Good point that because of the holidays Rovio may be short staffed. I'll try again after the new year holiday passes. Thanks for the advice.
  • Unfortunately Angry Birds (all forms) don't work on the Newsmy P72, despite having lots of internal memory. Please can you fix thanks. (if this is the wrong place for this post apologies)
  • @Fred
    Foremost, we are not the developer of the app. We are merely a fan site.
    Second, it is possible that your device is not compatible with the games any more. Internal memory is not the only requirement for apps to run. I would advice you to contact Rovio directly; they are the developer of the apps.
  • You have all misunderstood. What I'm saying is the actual hans solo bird goes in the right direction but when I go to shoot the blaster gun, it's the fire of the gun that goes to the left, not the right. It will only - no matter what you do with the mouse - the gun is on the wrong side of the bird. It doesn't shoot towards the pigs, it shoots the aim of the fire back to the left where the launcher is. Its the gun fire, not the actual bird. I'm gob-smacked that not one person has understood me despite me posting that I've now had 8 mates all try and do it who are avid angry birds users and they get the same thing. The 'shots' of red fire due to the gun being on the wrong side of hans solo or rather its the opposite side to all the walkthrough videos. For example on Tatooine Level 1-19, you aim the bird so that the shots bounce off the arc thing to destroy the pigs. Can you please answer this then all you peeps telling me to calm down - how is it that 8 mates have all completed all levels on their personal pc's and so have i on my mobile but on mine its impossible. You can't kill pigs if the shots aren't going towards them. Get it yet??? I give up.
  • @15thadam, my question is, Han is introduced in level 1-17, how did you clear 1-17 and 1-18 if han only fires to the left?

    Sorry, but I have to agree with slim, I think you may be aiming him back towards the sling shot since you are the only one who has mentioned this.
  • @15thadam -- OK, I'll give it a try. To begin with, I totally agree with Slim. You should try having someone else read Slim's reply. Unless you have an illegal version of the game, it works exactly the way he said it does. So don't forget to apologize to Slim.
    To belabor the obvious, the Han Solo bird carries a blaster that always points backwards; however, he does shoot where you tap or click. On a PC, this means move the mouse cursor to where you want the shots to hit and click.
    If this really doesn't work, and you have a legal copy of the game, send an e-mail to Rovio.
  • Ok, I am sort of sorry for my tone in that last message but the reason I got defensive is because you seem to be disregarding the fact that I have explained many times I am shooting and pointing the bird to the right ( so all is ok upto that point) and may I add that I am following exactly the same path as what shows on the walkthrough. Now here is the problem....I am then firing the blaster and instead of the line of fire going where I am pointing the line of fire goes to the left. And I add again and I'm not trying to get anyone's back up but 8 of my friends have all tried it and it does the same with them. So forgive me for getting pee'd off but not one of you mentioned that in your replies and you have all just put it down to me shooting the bird the wrong way. 9 people are not suddenly changing the way they play as it wouldn't make sense to shoot the bird in the opposite way to the pigs. We are all shooting the correct way but the line of fire goes the wrong way. The version is totally legal, purchased from the official site. You ask how I progressed the other levels - I used power ups.

    I'm not an idiot and although its hard to guess someone's tone on here I have to say all of your previous replies were kind of patronising which is why the previous post was rude, I intended it to be. 'slim' opened with 'please calm down' and then went on to explain the basic principles of mouse-clicking which I think if any of you had been in my position you might have got the hump too. I have contacted Rovio and heard nothing back except they refunded my money without so much as an email or explanation and while I am grateful at that it still doesn't solve the problem. I usually play on my mobile and have had no problems there. On Seasons and all the FB tournaments I always get 3 stars without power ups, but even when I do play on my pc I also get 3 stars and never have problems with the yellow bird. It is solely on Star Wars. I have been through all the mouse settings and nothing is wrong there and also please note just to be absolutely sure I followed your instructions on basic mouse clicking and the same thing happens. I know if you could see it or play it on my p.c you would instantly see the problem/error/glitch even though 'PJng' so bluntly informed me that 'yellow birds no glitch at all, it will shoot where you click it, i think you are wrong click direction'. even though he has never met me, seen the game played on my p.c. Maybe if I had his powers of being able to state something as a fact without even seeing it perhaps I wouldn't be having this problem.

    So to summarise, you have patronising manner is beyond acceptable to me. This problem is the only thing that has ever made me come on to the forum and after what I have experienced I won't be again. At 39 being scolded and told off by someone that has no more right than myself to come on here is also beyond acceptable. And finally I'm not the only one having this problem. Another user on the forum if you look posted a couple of months ago exactly the same problem and she also got the same response. She also gave up.

    You are more than welcome to come to my home in Brighton and see for yourselves. It would be priceless just to see you stand corrected.

  • @15thadam -- I hope you are able to sort this out, and continue visiting the Nest. ABSW is a lot of fun, but probably impossible without Han. You could play only the levels without him, but that would require purchasing a lot of Millennium Falcons.
    If you said what kind of PC you have, I missed it. I also assume you are using a mouse? You said your friends had the same problem on your computer. I assume none of them have problems on their own computers, and you don't have a problem on their computers? Slim's advice about reinstalling is good. Something else you might consider is a problem with your mouse.
    At risk of annoying you further: Han Solo's gun never points to the right, but the laser bolts will go to the right. ABSW and AB Space have some different aiming concepts than the older AB games. Try looking at the tutorials on using the new birds. Have you played AB Space -- Han is a little like the lazer bird.
    BTW -- PJng is not a native English speaker, so give him some slack; he was not trying to be blunt, just helpful. Of the people that have responded to your post, Slim is the only one who is an admin. The rest of us are just members trying to help.
  • @15thadam, I sent you a friend request. Please accept so I can send you a private message. I think I might be able to help. I'll explain in a private message.
  • Is there anybody else but me who gets his daily power upgrades reset to 1 per packeg on Angry Birds friends on facebook? Since this year I have the problem that every Tuesday when I open AB on facebook I get only one power upgrade, Wednesday 2, Thursday 3, Friday 4, Saturday 5, Sunday 5, Monday 5, but on Tuesday it starts all over again. I don't get it why this is happening or where the problem is. Any ideas?
  • iklajo: I haven't noticed that, 'cause lately I haven't been playing the Fb game every day. None of my friends haven't mentioned a problem like that.

    When I played the FB version every day, there could be several weeks when every day I got some power up x5 and it didn't reset in any point.
  • I FINALLY 3 starred on all levels of Seasons Greedings, and I got the pop up congratulations screen. But the bonus level isn't available. Any ideas? I have the Golden Egg for that level but not the 3 star bonus?
  • Ever since I upgraded to 1.4 of AB Space, the birds will randomly just not work. For example, bomb birds won't explode when I tap the screen, ice birds won't freeze, purple birds won't zoom fast in a straight line, etc. Sometimes, zooming all the way out and then back in will resolve the issue, but not in all levels. It makes some levels impossible to 3 star, and it's very frustrating not knowing if your bird will work. Using the Android version. I'm starting to think it has something to do with my not getting the Danger Zone when I paid for it, but I'm not sure. I haven't read that anyone else online is having this issue. Anyone else seeing this? Rovio won't respond, so I'm not holding out any hope on that.
  • @rbirdrick: PC version of Space v1.4.0 has the same problem.
  • @brave1966 Wow! That's crazy. I can't find anywhere else online reporting this, have you? I found There's two possible solutions, depending on the level and what mood it's in. One, zoom all the way out, then all the way in, or vice-versa depending on whether you want to be zoomed in or out. Some levels made me do this twice. You have to do this for every bird in some cases. In some levels this didn't work, in others it worked like a charm. In the ones it didn't, I'd start the level, then as soon as my bird lands on the slingshot, wait 25-30 seconds, no less. Then, your bird will function correctly.
  • Purposely deleted, unable to recall content
  • When I started playing ABSW, I made exactly the same mistake as @WereWolf69. I don't know how long I struggled to get even one star per level. I almost gave up, but then decided to check the instructions and there it was, I was always clicking somewhere near the slingshot so no wonder those levels felt sssoooooo difficult. I can't even tell how stupid I felt after playing for hours and suddenly realize that I had totally miss the point how the birds work :D
  • Has anyone noticed any bugs in Mooncake Festival (seasons 1)? I've been trying to scores and just noticed that there's something weird. I just checked that I'm missing the three stars mooncake level, I've got three stars in every level. I hadn't collected all of the eight golden mooncakes, but yet I've unlocked the Golden mooncake level.

    So how should I be able to unlock the Big mooncake level? And yes, I've double-checked that I've got three stars in every level and in when I go to the main menu it says 90/90 stars :)

    Edit: I just noticed this: http://www.angrybirdsnest.com/angry-birds-seasons-haunted-hogs-update-out-now/#bugs

    But it says that the Big mooncake should be unlocked by collecting those little golden mooncakes, I've now collected all of them, but nothing happens and the Big mooncake stays locked :/
  • @Lisko For an updated bug list, see the Winter Wonderham release post:

    Note that you are likely affected by the "ongoing bug", which affects all Big Items in Season 1. (Not to be confused with the Mooncake-specific bug,mwhich has been rectified)
  • @AMslimfordy Oh, thanks for that link, for some reason I didn't see that at all.

    I just checked, and all the other Big items are ok. Actually I just added my scores to my board. Mooncake festival is the only one which won't open.
  • Has anyone else on iOS had Space v1.4.0 suddenly quit when playing Pig Dipper 6-29?
  • Still having problems with the daily bonus on FB with Angry Birds Friends. I know that you get a bonus every 24 hours and if you miss that window the whole thing resets and you start all over again, getting now 1 coin. But when is this 24 hour window? No matter when I set a time to play it for me the daily bonuses simply reset randomly. Since January 1st I never had three days in a row to receive the most out of the daily bonus.
    Today was a crazy one, because I got my bonus in the morning, 50 coins and a few minutes ago when I wanted to play I got the daily bonus again, but only 1 coin ... so again I got a reset, starting all over again. Like I said, since 1.1.2013 for me the daily bonus is simply messed up.
  • I believe there is a specific time which is the "loop", though I'm not sure what that time is -- perhaps midnight GMT.
  • Slim,
    I agree with iklajo, there seems to be something funny with the daily bonus in AB Friends (facebook). I haven't kept track of when I play but i also have had mine reset to 1 several times. The most recent on monday. Played in the morning (8am local) for quite a while, no bonus. took a break, came back in the afternoon and it was reset to 1. I just might make a spreadsheet to confirm my theory.
  • I'm up to 4-days reward right now. I'll try to keep going, but I'm not sure I'll have the chance to play on Saturday or Sunday -- it's Alumni Weekend at the Alma Mater.
  • Thanks for the reply.

    Last year I checked in, in the morning between 6am - 7am CET (or 7am - 8am depending on the DST) and always had the 5 power up package. Now it's messed up. Tried 6am - 7am, 7am - 8am and lately 9am - 10am and nothing seems to be right.

    I think the right time for the "loop" has to do with the server time the files are hosted on, but I don't know if they use UTC (UTC+2 or UTC+3 for Finland) or if they use UTC-8 (UTC-9 for Pacific Standard Time). It seemed like they used the Pacific Standard time before, but now I'm not sure anymore.

    Anyway, it is messed u right now and I hope this is gonna get fixed soon.
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