Super Sling? Super charged bird launch? Page 1
  • Sometimes on my droid I will do a "super" sling of a bird, not sure if it's a particular bird yet because it happens randomly and quickly...I shoot a bird up super high and very far! I can't seem to duplicate this though...I'm not sure how I'm doing it! I even hear a sound affect like a shooting sound when it happens. Does anyone know what I'm talking about and if so, how does this feature work?
  • Not sure what's going on, but my best guess is that it's the Yellow bird and you are accidentally triggering the speed boost immediately after launching.
  • was it the yellow by any chance ?
  • It could also be the white bird. I have on occasion, accidently double tapped with the white bird and it goes flying almost straight up at a very fast speed. the double tap could also explain the yellow bird being "super" flung off the screen.
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