Level ends before destruction complete Page 1
  • Is there any way to change the time between the last shot and when the level ends? I'm constantly having the level end while structures are still collapsing. I don't mean the slow collapse, I'm talking about immediate collapses from direct shots that take out the last pig. This happens on too regular a basis for it to be an isolated incident but something in the game that times out. I have noticed that the problem of a level never ending doesn't happen anymore, so this change was probably in response to that, but the time-out is too quick. Any way to get Rivio to fix it?
  • I don't know, sometimes the levels end much too late, long waiting and sometimes much too early, while things are rolling and falling.
  • It's difficult coding. In general, the end-of-level timer depends moreso on the birds than on the objects.

    Conversely, the objects themselves to have some "say" in the matter. Consider, for example, those levels of Beach Volley where beachballs can bounce for a long time on the rubber. Or in Birdday Party, the level can time some time to end while balloons float away to the heavens.

    We have all been in your shoes. We all know what it's like. The biggest piece of advice I can offer: Avoid using all of your birds. The time it takes for the screen to scroll back to the slingshot and count your multiples of 10k is valuable time.
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