New Angry Birds Facebook Power-Up Ideas?
  • Hey guys!
    So, AB Facebook is coming soon with all-new power ups. Do you have any ideas of your own?
    I thought a good power-up could be a some sort of Block Weakener. When used, the strength of all blocks in the level would decrease by 50% , allowing some birds to break through blocks they couldn't before.
  • Maybe a power-up that turns all blocks into one kind, like changing all blocks to wood or ice/glass. That way, it would be easier for a yellow/blue bird to destroy the structure.
  • Raining birds! (like in the vuela tazos information screen)
  • I'm just wondering if the new "Surf & Turf" on FB will be added to any of the AB games already in production for the phones & computer [PC & Mac]. Really like playing it and the new additions of the "power ups" too. Wonder if they will be added as well. Anyone have the "skinny" on this??

    I enjoyed finding out how the big hairy eagle worked. WOAW!! When we use up the power ups we were given to begin with, will we get new ones or do we have to pay for additional ones?

    Just hope this is a "beta" as they said it was maybe for future games on our other devices. I play on the PC and love it. Do ya think the power ups are beta for our external devices?? Hope so, hope I won't have to pay any more for the game. Although, $5 per game is MORE than reasonable. Is Rovio reading this? If they're ghosting these forums, still hope they don't want to charge more for the games and any additions.

    But, we all love our Angry Birdzzzz.

  • 1. Power ups and Surf and Turf are exclusive to ABF.
    2. Every day you will get an anonymous prize.
    3. As I said, power ups are exclusive to ABF. Not coming to external devices.
  • WHAH!!! But who knows . . . . Down the line, 6-9 months from now, Rovio MAY change their mind. Hey, maybe a year, kinda hoping cuzz, I saw you can [and probably will have to] buy "packages" of the power ups. Cheapest is $3, that ain't bad.
    How do you know though, curious. Is that the inside info from Rovio itself?? Do they say that on the FB page?

  • just building on kartflyers idea of block weakener,
    glass cant become any weaker
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