The other birds in Angry Birds Space (white, orange, green) + new gameplay video
  • With space coming out soon, what will the other birds do if they come into this game (white, green, orange) with there new super-powers. Green couldn't really change direction against the gravity, so it would need something else. Any ideas

    heres a new gamplay vid
  • Pretty sure they won't be in this one. If we do see more birds later, they will probably be alien birds, like Ice Bird
  • Maybe thay will be added in the future update's. But I have now idea on what super-powers the birds will have.
  • There has been previous discussion about the possibility of these birds in space (don't remember where right now, but Meet the AB in Space would be a good bet). Green and Orange need only carry a cannister of compressed gas to function the same, although Green's trajectory would depend radically on what gravitational forces were present.
  • it would be cool to see the white bird do the same as its old form (aswell as a superpower) because it would be awsome to see thee explosive egg fly around the gravitation forces, flying in circles!
  • i am pretty sure the other birds will arrive through the wormhole with new super-power soon.

    white- shoots a egg attached to a chain, when the egg hits the ground, it clamps itself to it, making the bird swing round wherever the chain is clamped like a mace.

    orange- expands same as normal but no where as big. it stops, expands a little and out pops out its own gravitational feild (this would be used to pull stuff in and to help directy other birds to the pigs, to make you think more logicly)
  • Love that arrow thingy! It's like a hint to where to throw the bird?
  • look what I found about the green, white, and orange bird in angry birds space. go onto devian art and search angry birds space.
  • That's fan-art. Not official.
  • Imagine if you did a reverse shot with the boomerang bird...
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