Make a more challenging game
  • I feel like this new update today 3/20/12 is made for a six year old. Come on use your brains and put some thought in it.
  • 1. ABN is not the creator of the game.
    2. That was only the beginning of Surf and Turf. The next 30 levels should eventually get harder. Also, if you could wait a day or two AB Space comes out on the 22nd.
  • Hi olonik,
    Have you never stopped to consider that the simplicity of the game is what has made it so popular. Yes a 6 year old can play it but so what. If you want something more challenging then just look around - there are hundreds of games out there on various systems to satisfy just about everyone. Although I don't play AB on a phone, I think that is why it is so simple - you can't make things too complicated when you only have that small screen to work with. It is also good that each level can be played in a matter of minutes - possibly another reason for its appeal.
  • Angry Birds has multiple levels of difficulty, all without having to change your settings. 1) get all the pigs to clear the level. 2) Get enough points to get 3 stars. 3) Try to get the best score you can when you compare to friends and others (i.e. the leaderboards here on
  • Also if you play on iOS, there is a 4th option, the ME.
  • Well... maybe I've just played AB waaay too much, but I was a bit disappointed with both releases today on IOS. In just a few hours of play, I got three stars and feathers for all 15 Surf and Turf levels and I got three stars and feathers for all 12 Rio Trophy Room levels. Granted, I still need to play most levels again to beat the leaderboard averages, but these just didn't seem very challenging.

    I can understand Surf and Turf being easy, though -- some folks never played AB until it landed on Facebook, so it makes sense that Rovio would want to release some less challenging levels for this new crop of players.

    Maybe I should just go to bed, as it seems all I can do tonight in the comments is grumble. :(
  • I'm glad I got through all the levels released today, most with 3* and feathers. Just one day consumed by AB. Ready for ABOS.
  • Well, tomorrow there's ABOS with Danger Zone!
  • i aggree, all the time it kept getting harder, until birdday party. The last 2 updates have been easy, rovio havent updated the achievements for ages and the new episode layout looks stupid. I dont want levels with just tons of blocks, but brainteaser like levels, where you have to think logicly to find the way to complete it. Not just more and more protecton around the pigs.

    I dont know much about AB HD but i'm gessing its the same game in HD, which is quite bad for like $4.99 or somting like that. AB HD should have extra, brainteaser like levels (like the danger zone) and they should change the name to angry birds pro
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