New angrybirds game ideas
  • i just thought it would be cool to think up some new ideas for angrybirds games
  • Prehistoric version of angry birds would be cool!
  • I wrote to Rovio and suggested a change. They got back to me after a few months to say they don't consider outside suggestions. I'm not surprised, but it seems so Old School to have a "not invented here" mentality at such a young company, especially one that has run a contest for a new bird. Anyway, here are my three simplest ideas for revamping the game in a dramatic yet easy way:

    1. Create a Preference to turn off the trajectory trail so that each shot is independent of the last. It just seems more challenging to play this way, a bit like taking off the training wheels.

    2. Allow the user to adjust the order in which the birds are fired. This would introduce a layer of complexity when it came to strategy that could be awesome, making the whole experience so much more dynamic.

    3. Have a mode variation where shooting off the screen to the left would cause the bird to enter the screen from the far right, kinda like on the classic Asteroids game. Again, each and every level immediately becomes a new experience, effectively doubling their number, and all without really needing to change anything significantly.
  • Actually, them not taking any suggestions may be for legal reasons. If they don't read them, then it's harder to accuse them of 'stealing' them and being sued royalties. Some people will still do it, but refusing to take them makes it easier to fight the charges.
  • I bet that's exactly why they do it, but they have the resources to overcome that if they want. I'm sure they don't feel it necessary, they have plenty of creative people on staff after all, but there could be a way to sign into the official site that required a legal disclaimer which would protect them. The point is that most companies are dying to find ways to create a dialogue with their users, and here they are turning people away. But that wasn't the point of my post, to complain or bad mouth a great group. Still, the concepts I put forth are pretty intriguing, I think, and it would be cool to hear what others think of them, or to see some different ones added.
  • I have a feeling we are going to see a non slingshot style game. They did have the game for the Nokia "something or other" that was like Tetris or Dr. Mario. I think it was a feel out the success of a game like that. I hope they don't stray from the slingshot, but I just have a feeling they are gonna make something with an entirely different approach
  • I'm thinking this is inevitable:
  • Well I see where you are coming from - no pun intended.

    An idea I think is feasible is to turn 3D. After-all, the previous franchise of a similar nature went that way (I am looking at you, Worms) and lets face AB and Worms have a lot in common.

    I am thinking that the only issue of going 3D is the direction in which BBB are split - maybe that should be selectable (horizontally and vertically as a bare minimum).

    Another option is the possibility of including a variable wind-speed and direction. Something else that worked well in worms, and gravity has been successfully introduced into AB:Sp.
  • I have a new game idea.
    Check out my AB arcade edition thread.
  • "2. Allow the user to adjust the order in which the birds are fired. This would introduce a layer of complexity when it came to strategy that could be awesome, making the whole experience so much more dynamic."

    I think everyone thinks this should be a feature when they first start playing Angry Birds. I know I myself and some of my friends did. However, the more you play the games the more you realize why that isn't an option. The levels are designed in a way that the order of the birds is chosen very specifically to make it challenging. If you could change the order of the birds I think it would throw off the balance you have in ever level making most of them probably a lot easier to beat and 3 star.
  • angry birds underwater
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