Ready for the next event???

Home Forums Angry Birds Fight! Forum Ready for the next event???

  • Looks like frog pigs are down to their last two days!

    If my memory serves me correctly, the next event will be the arena for Chuck.

    Is everyone ready? How are you preparing, if anything? Did you equip the new SS weapon from the frog pig event? Just figured I would open up a discussion topic!


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  • Azhaan Mahmood Baig

    I think next arena will be , did you notice that the last monster pig reward given to a particular birds, the arena will that bird who got monster pig reward recently. Btw I have the knight spear and pink punk for chuck with magician book

    Mighty Red

    @gartacus The upcoming arena is likely to be for Bomb as the prize of the Frog Pig event is a hat for Bomb.



    I had not noticed that! Nice catch.

    My Chuck setup is currently:

    Rare Robo Pig’s Hand (weapon)
    Horn Helmet (head)
    Artist Mustache (accessory)

    I hope it will help me get some nice win streaks and a high rank!



    I want Red event…..


    @tomt Me too.

    But I’m somewhat ready with Electric Guitar for Chuck’s event. New exclusive slot, if anyone wants.


    I expected bomb event this is against the pattern that was followed for some time now



    It fits the pattern perfectly. After this we will have Red, and then Bomb after that.

    Unless Rovio changes it up for some reason or adds another event or Ship arena… All of which is unlikely.



    no the ranking hat/weapon for a bird in the monster pig events used to indicate which bird will be in the next arena event

    I started the game during stella arena event and the first monster pig event was walrus pig, I don’t know anything about the prizes of monter events before that

    walrus: walrus hat, matilda, next tournament was matilda
    shark: shark teeth, the blues, nxet tournament was the blues
    frog: frog hat, bomb, next tournament will be chuck?


    Less than 30min to go, is anybody still playing? I’m basically just sitting here browsing the web now…


    No. I’m sick and tired of frogs by now.
    But I want to check my place before the end and then compare it to the final place.


    @tantan Frogs are probably better than master cup events. It’s so hard to get arena tickets for master cups. I remember when the very first Chuck cup started, getting arena tickets was easy, now it takes 7 – 8 fights to get one ticket….


    @tomt, I have 50 tickets in my stash and 12 on hand. My Chuck isn’t very strong so I won’t play much, my only goal is to get 5 gems.
    I gonna have some rest. )))


    @tantan This time, for gold trophy, it’s top 1000. I thought it used to be top 500, right ?


    @tomt, as far as I remember it’s the same. Arena’s prizes were 1-1000, 1001-5000 and 5001-50000.


    It used to be 1-500 yeah. It was for the events up to the second bomb event (inclusive).


    For the last event it was definitely 1-1000… That was my first gold trophy.

    Bad luck with my first few matches, Chuck arena is basically “who can sabotage more”. Should be fun.


Home Forums Angry Birds Fight! Forum Ready for the next event???

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