High score challenge! 435+ show us what you're working with…

Home Forums Angry Birds Transformers Forum High score challenge! 435+ show us what you're working with…

  • I always have the sneaky suspicion I could be earning more points per node. So I issue a challenge to all you 435+ just sitting around all smug and superior with all your maxed out Tfs, show the rest of us plebeians what we’re working for by showing us how it’s done.

    Let’s start with with the Tf whose fire power is the source of one of our favorite Energonicons — GALVATRON! Post a screenshot, and tell us the particulars (where you are on the map, buddy, etc.)

    Any takers?

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  • JLoABT

    Galvatron sucks. Even at 15. Energon Galvatron, different story. How about just a general high score posting? I have a couple of pretty sick scores with H.O.B.B…


    Okay, any high score with any Tf. I’m just at level 378, I need some motivation…



    I don’t play the gold domes or intercept any more either.


    This was about two weeks ago (October 27 to be exact, according to my iPad).

    Gold Dome, Pig City, Goldbrick and video doubler used.

    High Score.PNG


    Hmm, AFAIR, the Halloween update switched from the three-boxes system to one guaranteed reward for a mission. Yet you already participated in pumpkin competition no less than two weeks ago. “I notice that I am confused.” (c)


    I don’t recall the exact timing, but I’m pretty sure that iOS players got the Hallowe’en update later than Android users by at least a week, if not more.


    Wow! @optimuspig

    My highest back then was around 179k.


    HOBB big score.png

    Pretty adequate! Back in September, hence tbe 3 materials earned


    href=”https://www.angrybirdsnest.com/members/jloabt/album/picture/16941/” class=”album-picture-thumb-embed”>Ultimate OP big score.png” alt=”” />

    About a week ago U.O.P.in pig city,gold dome level


    Okay, I’m impressed! I also need to seriously work on my strategy/skills…


    Yeah, those Ultimate Versions are pretty amazing.


    @pampeans its definitely lot of luck as far as everything aligning… gold dome, doubling character, # of gold blocks/missiles, and then a good strategy as to when to activate goldbrick for max benefit.

    I’ve had probably 40-50 runs of over 100,000 (mostly low 100’s , but these were the only 2 over 200K and they were way over!

    Happy pig-killing!



    If I may ask, how much coinage you rockin’? :-)


    Geee whiz here’s me thinking my high score of 164,960 was good but not no more lol. I’m on TF’s 9, 10 & 11 so not maxed out on 15 as it will takes months to get them all up to 15.
    What I can make out is how you all have 1000’s of Gems as I’ve never had more than 400



    Wow! I bow down. I’ve got just over 16 million coins (not sure how to post the pic), but I’m level 378, so that won’t last. I do have more pigs and gems, but it’s because I hoard them…


    @paul13 gem farming in the lab… they’ve definitely made it less fruitful when they reduced lab output of gems by 60% about 6-8 weeks or so ago. Just takes persistence when you have extra materials not used for TF upgrades.

    in your forum profile you can upload pics to your album, then link to them here. I’ve used a ton of gems to speed upgrades and pigs to keep speeding up long missions to get materials faster but have close to 450,000 overall. Wish I would’ve doubled all my end-of-node totals all this time but there wasn’t anything to use the extra pigs for until the missions came along back in the summer.



    It’s in my album, but I want it to be as thoughtfully applied as yours is. Smooth move…



    go to your album, click on the image you want to put in the forum, below the image, copy the “Embed” link text, go back to the forum and paste that text in the comment field. That’s all there is to it.

    Got another good one tonight in the desert again, paid one gem to change character from Airachnid to U.O.P. and BAM! about 46000 when I finished the level, up to 113K before watching the video to double it.



    Wow, you’re killing it! I’ve been ignoring the gold domes because gems are so hard to come by. I haven’t had that many recently, but I’ll play the next one I get. Thanks for the tip…


    Rovio has severely nerfed the coins output of Pig City nodes in the past few weeks. Although energon structures are still plentiful, the number of gold boxes has been drastically reduced.


    Gold dome, lower left beach below the forest:


    This is after the doubler, I killed every pig and destroyed every structure. There was not one gold block or missile. Waste of time and ten gems.



    Yes, unfortunately you have to be extremely selective about which nodes you’re willing to run a Gold Dome.

    I pretty much only do them if they spawn in Pig City. Sometimes in the River or Desert nodes if there’s a good TF (e.g one of the Ultimates).



    Galvatron and buddy both level 13 by the river, with goldbrick, after the doubler. This is a good score for me.


    That’s definitely a good score for a regular node.

Home Forums Angry Birds Transformers Forum High score challenge! 435+ show us what you're working with…

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