AB Transformers 'Global' Leaderboard

Home Forums Angry Birds Transformers Forum AB Transformers 'Global' Leaderboard

  • Most players probably already know, the leaderboard within the ABT game is flawed. It shows only about 30-32 connections, and they are not necessarily the top 30. Some connections, even of highly ranked friends are missing.

    If you’d like to see where you rank against some of the world’s top players, we have created a “global leaderboard” HERE.

    It is on Facebook and to view it, simply join the ABTDP group.

    I suggested that AB-Nest create an ABT leaderboard – – as many of the other AB games do have one here – – but a moderator has not replied.

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  • aVIP2u

    On our ‘global’ leaderboard, the highest # pigs killed is over 800,000.
    How do you compare?


    Ugh! No Facebook, but I’m about 500,000 pigs-killed behind, so since I don’t rank, I guess it doesn’t matter that I can’t see it. On a related note, perhaps I’ll stop using pigs to shorten missions…



    “On our ‘global’ leaderboard, the highest # pigs killed is over 800,000.”

    Although it can be distorted because not everyone chooses to use the video doubler.

    I very rarely use it any more.

Home Forums Angry Birds Transformers Forum AB Transformers 'Global' Leaderboard

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