Zero packages in Christmas Eve Holiday Nodes

Home Forums Angry Birds Transformers Forum Zero packages in Christmas Eve Holiday Nodes

  • Well, this stinks. In today’s Holiday Challenge, of the first four nodes, 2 of 4 had ZERO presents. One of them crashed my tablet (Samsung Tab S) completely. So then I rebooted, went back in, spent 10 gems to recharge and THREE of the four nodes had zero presents.
    That is just ridiculous.

    Does anyone actually check that the nodes that are queued up for the holiday challenge actually have any of the items for that day’s challenge?

    Is anyone else seeing this too?

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  • Optimus_Pig

    Argh. Played four nodes, breakdown as follows:

    Desert: 5
    Desert: 7
    Beach: 2
    Forest: 0 (to make things worse, this was by far the longest event of the four I played – total waste of time).


    I’m seeing the same, no packages in many of the nods what gives?


    Just played my fifth event, a Beach node. Zero, zip, nada.


    Half the people in my challenge group played their first node (or more!) and got zero score; I made it into the top ten with zero.


    [snort] It seems Rovio didn’t want 85 gifts per level mistake to happen again and decided that no measure is too drastic for that goal.


    Y’know, I was wondering that was going on when I looked at the leaderboard for my group and there were a bunch of “0”s in there.

    OK, this explains it then. That’s really bad. I guess I shouldn’t complain (as much) then.


    The “Current Challenge” box says that there is a new challenge coming in 11 hours but I thought today was the last day of the event — is that just misleading or does the event run past the 24th?


    Merry Christmas, and no packages till Christmas morning?


    Everyone still getting no packages? Was gone all day, so didn’t want to start this morning. Just ran my first four and got a total of 28. Lowest was 7. Currently in second. First has 48.


    Explanation for all the above is provided in the forum “ABT update for Christmas 2015”.


    Like everybody else I had more 0 scores than scoring 1’s and when I got a score I never got more than 5 and then just before I went to bed I ran 1 event and it was in the forest and I hit 81 which took me into 4th place but was down to 6th when it ended.
    So far after 2 events in todays run I’m up to 30


    Merry Christmas, everyone!


    I ran that Forest node probably five or six times yesterday, and I didn’t encounter the stacked gift boxes at all. In fact, I had zero scores from the Forest more than once.

    To add insult to injury, the first event I did this morning was in the Forest, and naturally I ran into the stacked gift boxes – which of course is useless since we’re now onto candy canes.



    That’s just typical lol. I nay on gave up yesterday on the candy canes comp. as I kept getting the same node every time, Desert Node and I was getting between 5/8 canes or Zero.


    The “Current Challenge” 121/200 I have just played four Nodes and got a grand total of 5 for this set. At this rate there is not enough hours in a day to get any ware near that total? I have played 23 nodes and have 121. The Leader in my group has 186.


    Yesterday the Gold coin blocks was mental most of the time I got 2 to 8 on a run and then out of the blue I got a shed load of coin blocks, crazy it was.

Home Forums Angry Birds Transformers Forum Zero packages in Christmas Eve Holiday Nodes

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