Consequence of being Demoted in Arena

Home Forums Angry Birds 2 Forum Consequence of being Demoted in Arena

  • What is the consequence of being demoted in the arena? Currently I am azure level with three level 4 birds and the rest being level 3. My birds won’t be downgraded will they? Given that I can upgrade my birds through regular play, I don’t see any connection between the arena league and your bird level.

    I want to take some time off from the arena. :-P

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  • MVNLA2

    @bankler @clovos — Maybe you can answer?



    As far as I am concerned, being demoted rocks. *smile*

    I was in Azure league and won over Christmas — 100 gems in the bank, baby.

    Got to Emerald League and within one day, the top player had 524 stars. So, there are either cheaters or people who are willing to pay WAY more gems than they are going to win just to…have a gold trophy (I see no other advantages to winning in the arena…)

    Feathers are the same in the arena regardless of league, and gem rewards are the same regardless of league. So, I let myself get demoted back to Azure, and now I am close to being in the top spot again. Why go higher when you can get the same rewards at lower league levels?



    Thanks for the info @sutekh137. That’s what I suspected.



    My pleasure.

    I would imagine that Rovio might tweak that a bit in order to make people strive for league advancement more:

    — Offer a higher number of gems as rewards in higher leagues. Though, it looks like 500+ star scorers already don’t care about gems — they are spending more gems than they are winning back just to get a gold trophy icon.
    — Offer more feathers. Right now, it looks like the daily feather rewards in the Arena are 10 + your level (has that been verified?). If they also offered more feathers in higher league play, that could act as incentive. Again, though, a lot of really high folks already have their birds maxed out via gift farming and/or IAP.
    — Offer different rewards? Like spells? Not sure that would make any difference. It all comes down to gems, and the reason I don’t want to be in a higher league is due to folks who are already buying gems to dominate.

    So, maybe Rovio won’t change anything. *smile* As it stands, though, I can’t see the point to struggling in higher leagues for grinders like me who are just trying to optimize gem and feather earnings so my team is stronger for taking on new levels as they are released (that’s really all I care about…)



    Another question along the lines of the OP is, how is relegation from a league determined?

    I know it’s the bottom three! But there are currently 6 players with zero points in my current league. Looking at these non-players, it is not determined by levels or number of previous wins 1st,2nd or 3rd’s. This may be useful/relevant to those who want to drop down league tables.

    Personally I can’t see the point of paying to win a league anymore, especially when the last two have been won by those paying £35+ to obtain top spot.

    I also can’t understand why someone 400 points ahead of their nearest rival would pay to play to obtain an exact 1000 point total when they were so far ahead anyway.

    The arena, throwing up more questions than answers!



    Really good question about the zeroes…I’d love to know the answer to that! Though, I’ve decided to just play now, even if I suck in the Emerald League. More stars means more levels means more feathers, and it is still a fun time-waster (albeit often frustrating).

    I have no idea why some top folks churn through gems when they are so far ahead, either. Cripes, go find another game to play and dominate THAT with $$$!

    Of course, Rovio’s never going to have a problem with such behavior. *smile*


Home Forums Angry Birds 2 Forum Consequence of being Demoted in Arena

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