Problem with AngryBirds Facebook >>

Home Forums General Discussions Forum Problem with AngryBirds Facebook >>

  • Has anyone else had a problem with Facebook Friends not showing a prize obtained on the spinning wheel? Last night the spinning wheel gave me 10 Wingman but they didn’t show up. This is the second time something like this happened. Any way to get this resolved?

    Thank you in advance!

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  • Michal Cox

    not sure if ur situation has been addressed but since I don’t see a reply i’m guessing that it wasn’t.. I have noticed the same thing happening to me but I also noticed that u don’t get to remove one of the prizes after u spin now.. why and when did that change? I seem to now only get coins. coins are nice and all but I would so much rather have a chance at getting power ups!

    hope someone actually will read this and respond!


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