When the Tf jumps for joy

Home Forums Angry Birds Transformers Forum When the Tf jumps for joy

  • I’ve noticed the Tf jumping for joy on several occasions:

    1. When the buddy is called in

    2. When the Energonicon is triggered

    3. When the run is finished, right before the Tf enters the Teletran

    I’m curious about #3, anyone know?

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  • TriPolar

    Yes, it also happens when your buddy (with or without your energonicon) clears the screen of all enemy’s & debris. There’s also the time in the teletrran when it’s taking the pictures (if it’s 2bird or 2pigs) and the photo’s usually chop off part of the TF. The good part about the in game jumps is that it will spin and shoot if you tell it to. King Pig doesn’t jump tho(except for the pics) he just raises his hands aka raiseing the roof!!! The smile on his face is too funny… It’s like when you flip through in the barakas and he does that little wave.


    @pampeans I noticed that they mostly do this when they have full health, as they “jump” out of Astrotrain to start the level


    @tripolar about King Pig (Megatron/Brawl/Bludgeon)- when a building falls over by ITSELF or by another Pig (very rarely), he will shrug his shoulders like “what just happened?”- kind of humerous


    Ah! Thanks @tripolar

    I occasionally get the leap at the end of the comp runs which probably means the energonicon destroyed all of the targets, since there’s no buddy.

    I wish the Tf would stop all of the shenanigans when it 1st leaves the Teletran since there’s almost always something to shoot at to the left of the Teletran. Only my accessorized Soundwave and Sentinel Prime/Heatwave don’t do it.


    @rowdypup that’s true I forgot about that… It’s like the laughs that Galvatron does. One is like yeah I destroyed that & the other funnier one is almost like it never stood a chance.

    I like these little things that they add in… Although King Pig coming out backwards isn’t always appreciated. Now if he was able to shoot while doing that then cool, skate backwards all day champ.

Home Forums Angry Birds Transformers Forum When the Tf jumps for joy

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