Contest causing game to crash on Kindle Fire

Home Forums Angry Birds Transformers Forum Contest causing game to crash on Kindle Fire

  • Since the contest started, ABT almost always crashes within a minute of opening. I have managed to play a whopping TWO contest levels, but even then the game crashed a little ways into a second round. If I disconnect from the internet the game is fine – I can collect coins, play nodes, select missions, and use the Lab. I’ve tried clearing the cache. I’ve tried turning the cloud save/sync/adrend driver fix options off and on, in different combinations. Nothing is working! I sent a ticket to Rovio, got the ‘we’ve received your ticket and we’ll get to it’ email and nothing else so far. I’d rather not risk a reinstall; I lost a LOT of progress that route with the CNY challenge. Can anyone here help?

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  • Replies
  • Jeremy_Davis

    I have a Kindle Fire HD (model x43z60). According to what I have read, it has Android 4.0.3 (Ice Cream Sandwich) for the operating system. According to the Rovio website, it meets the minimum requirements for the game. The game works fine when I’m offline, but once I turn on wi-fi the game crashes. The message says “Angry Birds has stopped.” I’ve had the game shut down in the middle of competitions. I’m also unable to utilize my friends or the videos for points doublers and healing.
    Please help me save Piggy Island.

    *Rovio Response*

    Hi there,

    Thanks for reaching out. As your game is constantly crashing, please try clearing the cache of your game by going to your device’s Settings > Manage Applications >Angry Birds Transformers, and tap “Clear cache” (for android). Afterwards, reboot your device and try running your game again. It is possible that your device is overheating from the game which is why we recommend taking breaks periodically after every 10 minutes of playing to prevent the device from overheating. Please also make sure that you have the latest Amazon App Store application version installed.

    You could try to enhance the games functionality by:

    a) having as much free space on your device’s memory as possible, at least 2 GB
    b) not multitasking (close all background applications when starting the game)
    c) having a WiFi connection when updating or launching the application
    d) restarting the device every now and then to release some memory

    We have been approached by other Kindle users regarding similar problems lately. Some players have found that reinstalling the game has helped. There is unfortunately though a risk of losing progress involved. However, if you decide to go forth with reinstalling please act according to the instructions that follow. Firstly make sure that your game is connected to a Facebook account, and that you have recently played the game signed in. If you have not synced the game with Facebook, please do so now, as otherwise progress will be surely lost. Then delete the game app you currently have and reboot your device. After rebooting, go to your app store to reinstall the game. You should be able to see you progress intact and the game should be free of crashing.

    If you don’t want to risk it, please wait for the next update, if the just recently published version 1.13 has not fixed your problems with the game. Thanks for you patience. We are terribly sorry for the inconvenience and trouble.

    Kind regards,
    Rovio Support Team


    Sorry for the long response above. My son has a new Kindle that has a newer operating system on board. His doesn’t crash like mine. I think that my Kindle is too old, even though it meets minimum requirements. Like you said, we can play the game off line forever, no problem. Sadly, there is no way to update the Kindle OS or RAM without purchasing a newer model.


    Poor Kindle. It’s only 3. That did cross my mind though. I guess I’ll have to risk the reinstall for every competition if I want to attempt them. No point in the current one now. It’s nice to hear from someone using the same device – thank you Jeremy!


    It is sad to know that technology changes so fast. My phone and Kindle needed upgrading, so I bought a new phone/tablet “phablet” this week. The screen isn’t quite as big as my Kindle, but ABT works well. The Google Nexus 6P is pretty sweet.


    Rovio support has responded, and I’ve tried their ‘fixes’ in addition to reinstalling the game, which I did before hearing from them – with no success. The best advice they gave was to clear the game’s cache (I didn’t know you could do this to specific apps, not just the whole Kindle). Doing this let me get through four competition runs, a handful of nodes, and even use the lab to burn some excess materials! Unfortunately, after waiting a few hours to let energy recharge the game is right back to crashing.
    A reinstall ate my progress with the CNY event but it did fix the crashing, which makes this really weird. I’m kind of peeved that it seems if you’ve got an older device you’re just stuck sitting out during competition week and you don’t have any way to complete the squads. I think those holes in the achievements annoys me more than not getting special characters!
    I do have to upgrade my phone this year and have no idea where to start looking – I’ll put the Nexus on my considerations list. Thanks!

Home Forums Angry Birds Transformers Forum Contest causing game to crash on Kindle Fire

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