Thoughts on saving challenge tokens?

Home Forums Angry Birds Transformers Forum Thoughts on saving challenge tokens?

  • Any thoughts/comments on not exchanging all tokens at the end of the challenge? Unless they change the game- i.e. Use for coins, I don’t think I need any more of them. I have seen the tokens carry over from challenge to challenge I believe.

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  • Optimus_Pig

    Token have only carried over once, and that was from the original “Challenge in C Minor” to the “Encore in C Minor”, and I believe that was partly due to the bugs in the original Challenge for example Rovio closing the token exchange early to get the CNY event ready.

    So I’d only keep them if we’re expecting to see an “Encore” version of Enter the Silverbird.



    I have seen the tokens carry over from challenge to challenge I believe.

    That “carryover” from The Encore in C-Minor was a bug and while the leaderboard score was used to determine the end of contest token award, the carryover could not be spent.

    My advice, spend what you can because once the token exchange closes, the tokens are gone (for now anyway, the gameplay could change in the future).


    I think @optimuspig was not talking about the screw up on the leaderboard for Enter the Silver Bird day 1 which I think was a score and not tokens. When Encore in C Minor started I think they rolled over (restored) the last tokens at the end of the original C Minor since they closed the token exchange too early.

    I wonder if they will do that again as they have hinted at another challenge later in the month. But, I do think the advice is sound about spending what you can now as it is not known if you can actually “take it with you” so to speak.


    I think it should be a feature rather than a bug compensation. They should let us save those tokens instead of us wasting it on coins when we don’t even need them just because there’s nothing else to spend them on.


    Oh! Thanks @aliaspbj

    I didn’t see @optimuspig post when I posted. Interesting, although I only had a small amount of tokens (70) at the end of the Challenge in C-Minor, I started the Encore in C-Minor with zero tokens. I thought that’s why Rovio had an encore instead of just reopening the exchange — because the tokens (should) zero out after each contest.



    Well I certainly could be wrong. It’s happened before LOL! But, that is how I interpreted the post. I’m sure @optimuspig will clarify.



    You are correct in your interpretation of what I was saying.


    I think we posted within a minute of each other, lol.


    There is no point saving the tokens, but not much point in spending them either once you have bought what you want. The carry over was a one off because the token centre closed early by mistake. It won’t happen again. But then again, once you have bought the new TF and any attack related accessories, there’s not much value in anything else – some defensive or vehicular related accessories that won’t change the outcome of any runs (since you don’t die or run out of vehicle time anyway) or coins to add to the many millions we already have. The only purpose of the coins in the rewards is to give people something to spend the spare 970 tokens on at the end of the challenge on that aren’t quite enough to buy a major item – so they don;t feel the effort of earning the spare tokens was entirely wasted.


    It would be nice if we could trade tokens for gems, like we did in the Holiday event.


    Agreed – but I don’t see that coming back any time soon. I guess they paid out a lot of gems in that event and gems are what they charge cash money for.


    Spend all the tokens you have,even if it is for coins,that we do not need,as most of us have many millions and we do not really need them… Only if Rovio decide to update the game and make all Transformers up to level 20,which will probably be one of the next couple of big things that they have to do : Transformers to level 20 and open new areas….
    Only once happened to carry over our tokens,but that happened due to a bug . . .


    @sukerman13 Level 20’s are a scary thought!! The amount of time it would take for 30 plus bots… The upsides is there will be way more than enough time to collect resources for it. Level 17 would be at least 4 days unless they change the progression/upgrade scale.


    Question for everyone, since we topic of coins are in the air… I remember reading a while back that some players had issues with a limit on coins & pigs but I can’t seem to find that info.

    So is there a limit/cap on how many coins we have??? I figure that I’m no where near it but would still like to know the status of something like that. Last thing anybody needs is to hit a wall and not be able to play because of it.

    & @gradientturtle7 do you have any insight on this??



    Oh em gee! That would take…I don’t know how many months/years to upgrade 30+ bots. On the plus side, they could put the silo back to it’s previous levels. Remember how bitterly we complained (well, at least I did) when they 1st added materials, then increased the silo forcing us to upgrade the silo as well as the bots? That was until I learned to “work it” for gems. I had stopped playing the game before the silo was created. But now, I don’t think I have the wherewithal to upgrade 30+ bots 5 levels.

    Francis Crawford

    Since there was a bug in the awards the first day of this competition, I’m holding out hope for some kind of encore.

    Besides, acquiring coins is pointless anyway. (I’m around 19 million, having started playing in November.)



    “I remember reading a while back that some players had issues with a limit on coins & pigs but I can’t seem to find that info. So is there a limit/cap on how many coins we have???”

    I recently reached the 50,000,000 coins mark and I’m still going up. So if there is a limit to coins, I have yet to hit it.

    As for pigs, I’ve seen players on the ABT Facebook group post pics of themselves with over a million (lifetime cumulative) pigs, albeit their actual current total may be somewhat less since they spend a lot of pigs as well.


    well,to say the truth,there has to be a change in the game,because ( between us ), we do the same things all the time,except when an event shows up.. opening new areas may be a change and also upgrading our TF’s, could give us oxygen to continue… i will agree that from level 15 to 20 ( directly ) would take many months, so maybe something until 17-18 would be something new… just a thought !! or else, what is the point of collecting coins ? what should we do with them…? could Rovio open a new buying window and let us change some millions coins with a small-or-not amount of gems…?


    @optimuspig Thanks for the reply… I’m no where near where you are but at least there’s a feeling of comfort again… I actually stopped using the doubler out of fear. Only used for big kill counts.

    That is a good idea, never thought about the addition of a new material to speed up the upgrades. Would be great if we had a coin exchange especially for gems. It would be nice to buy materials or accessories with the coins.


    @tripolar, well… me,you and i think everybody would like to do something with our coins, because ther is no use of them !! only when we have to upgrade our TF’s, but still, i have remaining many millions of coins… could be a nice thought, to exchange coins with…anything else !!


    well,for me,its is the only TF i do not have at level 15,so it is ok for me not to spend any gems… do you have other TF’s to upgrade ? take your time,no need to speed things up, there is no hurry.. keep your gems for future events, or if you wish to buy any other accesory !!


    Man, right now I’m working on moving all of mine to 13s. I’m missing the last 2 Prime’s, so that is 2 less to currently worry about, I’d rather have them to worry about tho… So far I have about 2/3s of them at 13.. I know that on it’s own is going to take a while… I was using gems to speed it up before but now I’m saving gem’s for accessories and events. If I could master the lab, then maybe I could spend some to cut the time down. I remember someone was making at least 200 gems a day. That would be really helpful to attain… I’m still working on my gambling style/strategy. I just realized that is something that I’ve never kept stats on… The odds of rolls and combinations. Guess I just found another thing to add to my Excel book. The one part that I’ve learned is that if you put 3SR in and the first (free) roll and the (5 gem) re-roll doesn’t hit. The 3rd roll isn’t going to hit either. I’ve been burned too many times trying to at least get 5 gems, with 2 in 3 odds (supposedly) in my favor. That’s a entire other topic to discuss…



    Yeah, I’m in no rush either. I also didn’t use any gems to speed up Shockwave or EOP’s upgrades.

    I barely run nodes nowadays, so it’s not a big deal for me to have a TF lagging behind the others level-wise.

    Francis Crawford


    Actually, I often net 5 gems from 3 Super Rarium — i.e. by getting 20 gems on the third roll. So I conjecture you just had a run of bad luck.

    One tip — I forget the names, but 2 (pink) pig-side chips + 1 pig-side gear gives a chance at 3 Super Rarium eggs. I’m pretty sure that that the same formula with with (blue) bird-side parts only gives 1 egg. Come to think of it, I really should know for sure, because it’s possible that doing it that way is better than using 3 blue chips in most cases …

    Anyhow, it so happens that I’ve been upgrading mainly birds, so I’ve been playing for gems mainly with the pink stuff. My go-to formulae are:

    3 Super Rarium. I reroll this up to twice.
    2 chips + 1 gear. I reroll this up to once.
    3 chips (only if I start with 10 or more chips or if I’m out of gears).
    3 pyramids or 2 pyramids + 1 cube to try to make more gears.

    Occasionally I try to make chips from gears as well, but I seem to run out of them faster than I do chips, which makes sense if you think about my reroll strategies. (I don’t reroll except in the cases mentioned above.)


    @tripolar, i did not know that you had many TF’s to upgrade… to tell you the truth,in the past i was also spending gems to upgrade mine, but nowadays,probably because i do not have any TF to upgrade,i just save gems for future recharges in the oncoming events… if you have many gems,then speed things up !! you cannot imagine how increadibly perfect and ”superduperwow” you will feel, when you see all of your bots at 15 ( MAX ) level !!!

    my strategy in the lab, is :
    A. 3 SR for 20 gems..sometimes i take them on first run,sometimes in the second..when the third time comes,i just take the coins…. even if you do not succeed, in the future you will realise that you would have received much more gems,than lost . . .
    B. 1 Super Rareium-1 Badness Processor- 1 anger chip…you will have 2 chances to receive 3 SR (!!!!) and one chance for 14 gems…that means you will be able either to receive gems,or worst scenario,by receiveing 3 SR’s,you will have the opportunity to go again for a spin for 20 gems with the previous 3 SR’s… of course,there is a chance to receive coins,but there are only 2 spots for coins and 3 spots for gems/SR’s….

    Hope that helped !!!

    Francis Crawford

    By the time you’re considering whether to spin a 3rd time on 3 Super Rarium, you have a 2/3 chance at 20 gems, for the cost of 10 gems. So I do it.

    Well, there’s also a gold cost, but who cares about that?

Home Forums Angry Birds Transformers Forum Thoughts on saving challenge tokens?

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