How to survive "ray portals" and "mech-robots"?

Home Forums Angry Birds Transformers Forum How to survive "ray portals" and "mech-robots"?

  • AB Transformers:
    What shall I do if I encounter

    1. The avantar/charscter has to pass a series of “ray portals” ( what is the real in-game name :-)?) ?
    => The avantar looses power, does it help to convert to a car?

    2. The avantar/charscter is aimed by fireballs, thrown by a mech-robot?

    THe mech-robots look similar to

    The mech-robots appear for me first time today at the “prime target” competitoin.

    => A “Strikbot” as energicon device does’t wipe out the robot
    => In opposite to the missiles by the big drones, I can´t focus my weapon on it.

    It looks as if different avantars have different impact on the mech-robots.

    My strategy so far: using the car-mode to escape from firballs **just if necessary, not all fireballs would hit**, fireing all the time at the mech-robot.

    So far, up to 2 mech-robots appeared in a game round.


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  • Replies
  • datguygamer

    1. When the Transformers pass through those “ray portals” (officially they are called Energon Bridges” but they don’t have an in-game name) doesn’t lose power in any way, it just slows down (your robots will fire slowly and run very slow) or speeds up the game (everything becomes very fast). So since it doesn’t even reduce the power in any way, this question is irrelevant.

    2. Those mechs are called “Mortar Towers” and they can be easily dealt with any Transformer that fire a singular blast of energy (like Galvatron or Energon Galvatron) or a lightning based ray which is fired by the Grimlock series of robots. Alternatively, you can use an energonicon called Photoblast to replicate that effect. Also of note, no matter what Transformer you use against these towers, it’s easier to deal with them if your Transformers are at Level 15

    You can also use your vehicle mode to run away from them as that is also a strategy. You don’t necessarily have to destroy them and can just ignore them.


    Solved :-)

    Francis Crawford

    What's best to take down Mortar Towers?

    covers the same subject using different terminology. :)

Home Forums Angry Birds Transformers Forum How to survive "ray portals" and "mech-robots"?

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