Elite Classes

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  • So now that Elite Knight is here, I have the following questions and musings (not going to discuss the merit of this particular Elite, has been done elsewhere):
    First, what is the point of being able to switch between “Regular” and Elite? I honestly cannot fathom any real reason, unless the “trophy” is the only point.
    Second, although I don’t have Ronin, isn’t the Elite almost identical? Not sure on Health values, but the 10% attack is on par. If this is Rovio’s response to Ronin not being available to all, why not simply award Ronin from this past Event? Granted, those with Ronin already wouldn’t be happy, but I also wouldn’t be happy with Elite Knight if I already had Ronin. I do have Archmage, so in the coming Elite Mage Event (so we assume), I will have answers if nobody corrects me regarding Ronin (and maybe no reason to get Elite Mage).
    Last, look again at the classes shown in the new loading screen. Red, Chuck, Matilda and Bomb all are their respective starting classes and Blues is Marksman. I think we can all agree that these are the classes in most need of upgrading (I know some of you like Marksman, but really, he is the weakest of the Blues’ options). Are these the present and future Elites? We might not have all 30 available after all…

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  • GrauGeist

    I will be hugely annoyed if we have to switch back to non-Elite for Arena.

    If you need to pound something into the ground, Marksman / Cannoneer / Samurai is not a bad team.


    I personally feel these Elite versions are nothing more but just the last drop of monetisation to get players more involved with their events especially the players who have already maxed out.

    My iPad actually has a new loading screen art display, showing just Red, Chuck and Matilda in their movie drawing style promoting their feature film this May.

    I can’t tell whether or not this is their marketing ploy to increase the longevity of ABE or make newcomers want to explore Rovio’s games when the movie does come out.


    @pointless To answer you question, stat wise Ronin and Elite knight are exactly same. Both give a 10% stat boost to attack and health but since it’s overall weak compared to other classes, both upgrades don’t matter at all.

    Angry Johnny

    First, what is the point of being able to switch between “Regular” and Elite? I honestly cannot fathom any real reason, unless the “trophy” is the only point.

    I think you somewhat answered this question on your own. I do not think that the main reason you can switch from the Elite version to what you had before is for those that had the regular Knight class but more for those that have the Ronin upgrade and want to switch back to that one since it is more exclusive. The stats between Ronin and the Elite upgrade are, as others have already stated, exactly the same.

    Mighty Red

    @datguygamer @angryjohnny You’re wrong – Ronin and Elite Knight are NOT identical. The only difference between Ronin and Knight was that Knight’s attack dealt 115% damage (I don’t know if that’s still the case after all the updates) whereas Ronin’s attack dealt 125% damage. I have Ronin, I got the Elite Knight and his base attack and health got a 10% boost compared to Ronin.

    Angry Johnny

    @mighty-red-1 OK, then I am sorry for the wrong info. I did not get the Ronin upgrade (or Moon Priestess upgrade for Mathilda) but I got the other base class upgrades for Chuck and Bomb and they both gives a 10% increase in stat from their regular classes so I assumed that Ronin was the same.


    I wanted the old limited edition ones as well. Even if it was just for collection.


    @mighty-red-1 Thanks. I guess I just assumed that for Red as Chuck got a boost from Mage to Archmage.

    True I wanted all those other exclusive classes as well. So glad that Rovio has started upgrading classes which are not exclusive anymore…oh wait, they are.


    Thank you @mighty-red-1 for confirming that Ronin and Elite Knight are indeed different. Maybe will acquire Elite Mage after all (if this is going to happen).
    I guess we all have the new Movie loading screen now. Still not sure I like the look Rovio has brought to the Birds…


    An Elite class increases that class’ BASE stats by 10%. The class’ skills remain the same.

    A limited edition class increases the attack modifier by +10%. This is a flat addition to the multiplier, not x1.1 like the elite class.

    In the case of Elite Knight, the attack is actually 126.5% of a non-elite Red’s base attack. For example, a level 50 rank 12 non-elite Red holding a Vigor offhand would have 1235 base attack. Non-elite Knight would deal 1420 damage with Attack (1235*1.15). After the Elite upgrade, Red’s base attack increases to 1359. However, the Knight keeps its x1.15 Attack modifier, so Elite Knight deals 1563 damage with Attack (1359*1.15). Compared to Red’s original base attack, this is 126.59% more (rounding errors).

    An elite class will always be better than the limited edition classes because it’s another multiplier on top of the attack. It also increases that bird’s base health. Depending on the class, it can increase other effects as well. For example, Paladin and Cleric would heal more with their elite attack.


    The Elite upgrade obviously increases a class from base, as has been said. My question is, where is Rovio going with this concept? If ALL classes will eventually get an Elite counterpart, then it really does defeat the purpose, as the weak classes will then become inherently weak again (not that Elite Knight is great to begin with).


    At the end of the day, Rovio is a business with the ultimate aim of making more money. Players who missed out on getting the “Elite” classes through events may be able to purchase them using LCs (or other mechanics using LCs eg- golden pig rolls?) in the future. If this happens, there will be players who will shell out real money to buy LCs to purchase these gears.

    Everyone just need to remember that Rovio is a business who just happens to make great games.


    @rovintan that is not at all what I was getting at. Sure, Rovio is a business, and most of us recognize this and the direction the game is skewed towards.
    Do you really think many people will spend RW$ on Elites just to have them? If Knight is any indication, there is very little to gain from slightly improving a very weak class. If it simply about collection, then we are not talking about real players devoted to the game itself.
    My question is regarding where Rovio is taking (or more appropriately, not taking) Epic, as a circular redundancy is certain to kill the game.


    sorry, I’m not sure what you mean by circular redundancy

    if we are to take the business aspect of this out of consideration, I guess the “Elite Class” events can be considered a stop-gap solution to keep the veteran players interested in the game if they have completed everything else. If Rovio is to really release an elite version of every class for every bird, it means that they already have a roadmap of 30 (6 classes for each of the 5 birds) events on hand with minimum effort.

    IMHO, I still believe that this is still a business driven decision on Rovio’s part. If there really are to be elite versions of every classes for every bird, even if it is only an incremental buff of 10%-15%, it would create an advantage gap between the haves and have-nots. This would certainly drive a percentage of the have-nots to try to obtain them anyway they can, either by shelling out RW$ or watching ads everyday to accumulate resources. How many of us watch ads everyday just for the golden pig roll? Either way, Rovio still generates revenue from it.


    I simply mean that if Rovio offers Elite upgrades to all classes, it defeats the purpose of giving this benefit to the weaker classes (eg Knight), as they end up being just as underwhelming as they were at the beginning before Elite. Brings everything back around to as they were, therefore making Elite redundant.


    agreed, I tried the elite knight twice then went back to paladin. Hence, my theory that this is a business driven decision. Players will collect for the sake of collecting or there will be an entire new tier of elite classes to get the have-nots to buy/obtain them.


    Personally for me this is a novelty and a collection. I know I’ll never use Elite Knight. So for my book, he is there, just not the way I intend.


    @datguygamer Same for me. I’ve always liked collecting trophy’s in games and Elite Knight will be a nice addition :).

    Just like with the useless event items in Fight. Most of the SS prizes I’ll never use but I keep them just because I like exclusives. :D


    @partshade Same. However in Epic I collect everything; normal craftable items, their Golden Pig Machine counterparts, Set Items, Banner Set items, normal banner tops, normal banner flags, emblems, arena wheel exclusive tops and flags. :D

    The only things that I cannot reliably collect are arena trophies simply because how long each season lasts and I probably won’t be able to collect all before they decide to discontinue the game and some of the normal golden pig items I’m missing because of how random they are and there’s no way of telling which XP level will give you what items.

    Other than that, you’ll be surprised to see my collection as most players here just scrap old and weak items. :)


    @roviobeni, @roviohuzz:

    I do not understand the point of Elite Knight, why it was even created. The Elite Knight is still completely unplayable compared to Samurai, which continues to strictly outclass EK in both damage dealt and damage prevented. Why did you expend the resources for this “collector’s item” that nobody will use?

    If EK were redeveloped into something competitive with Samurai, then this would make sense as a rebalance / Arena diversity benefit. But to make an unplayable class marginally less weak is not really helping.


    Elite Knight needed a much higher bump like 30 percent health and attack. Mabye not the health but at least the attack. I played the event but more for the mastery, not Elite Knight. I do not have Elite Knight because I did not collect all the collectibles. Waste of stamina drinks. However, Elite Mage will be a much better class.


    Funny how Arena Teams with Elite Knight have a higher rating…such an arbitrary system of assigning power. Must be due to the increased Health.


    He is not something I would choose to use but many players do. I meet him often in the Arena. I do think it’s choice and not objectives. That being said I had to use him the day he became available.

    I wonder why the Blues never had a special class? Personally I use Tricksters a lot. I could look forward to that as an elite. I read some where that it will be Marksman. Why?



    Marksmen is just a mediocre stand alone class and quite possibly the worst in Blues arsenal. It’s reliant on teammates abusing its triggered mark and its base damage is just poor at taking on birds by itself. Even though it would make sense for Tricksters, there are plenty of others that deserve a face lift.


    @vinnieb00 so this is about upgrading the most useless class for each bird. Opinions vary on that issue. I quite like Cleric, for example, yet she got the upgrade over Priestess who, I think, is the most useless of Matilda’s classes. Another niche bird much like Marksman. Oh well. If Marksman it is my opinion of him will certainly not change unless the elite is hugely different.

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