I will NEVER purchase another PowerUps Package-WHY

Home Forums Angry Birds Friends Forum I will NEVER purchase another PowerUps Package-WHY

  • I recently was surfing the net and came across an Angry Birds Friends Video. The player was able to get a LOT of points, points that any NORMAL FAIR player could NEVER get. Why, because they are able to hack the game and get all the Power Ups they want and use them all they want. In this video, which I have recorded and saved on my hard drive (will be glad to email it to ANYONE who ask) it shows the player using the Wingman 4x. His score was 100,000 higher than any normal player could get. I love the game and yes, I love winning. But with this happening there isn’t any way at all to win. You may as well be playing against a computer. The makers of AB needs to look at the accounts where the players have 200-300 each of the Power UPs first and see they are in fact CHEATERS….No one in their right mind would purchase so many of these. It would cost a small fortune. Anyone with that kind of money certainly wouldn’t be playing Angry Birds Friends, they would be out on their Yacht somewhere in the Caribbean. THAT BEING SAID, I WILL NEVER PURCHASE ANOTHER POWER UPS PACKAGE. AND I HOPE YOU ARENT AS DUMB TO BUY ONE EITHER. WHY, YOUR LOOSING TO A CHEATER AND MAKING THE CREATORS OF ANGRY BIRDS FILTHY RICH. Kinda makes me wonder if that wasn’t their plan all along. Ya Guess….. Send me your email and I will send you a copy of the video. or you can see if here on you tube, this isn’t the only one either….. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OOKqS3DpKAg

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  • burbman

    @petie1106 – By gathering many friends and sending each other gifts daily, I have been able to obtain several thousand of each of the power ups without cheating or buying, so your method of identifying cheats would not work. That said, the video you reference is in fact a cheater, as you obviously cannot use the same power up more than once per level.

    Now for my question, why does this bother you so much? How is an anonymous cheater on the internet any different than a driver on the highway driving well above the posted limit? I an not going to stop using the highway as a result of a random person’s poor judgement. I will however be aware that there are others like that one out there, and adjust my own awareness accordingly.


    @petie1106 i angry with @burbman that you can have enough pu’s with a little help from your AB friends. I also angry with you that is very frustrating to see that the co-players in your league cheat and Rovio does nothing about this.


    @petie1106, @burbman, sorry i meant “agree” not “angry”. Maybe i play to much Abf lol.


    @petie1106 I agree Rovio’s capitlistic greed is their prime directive, and they seem unconcerned about the players, but to be fair they have made an effort to weed-out blantant cheater latlely theyre doing random checks of unplausible high scores then move flagged players to a cheaters league. It may not prevent them from starting over under a bogus alias but its better than nothing. But yeah I hear you, it’s infuriating to be up against impossible scores. I’m baffled as to why players even cheat whats the damn point?
    Speaking for myself, now I just play against the main leaderboard. It’s allot more fun than getting all stressed out over these rude asshats trying to ruin the game.


    Omg! How can anyone cheat? I don’t understand?


    How do I give and receive gifts?


    @martha-ratliff read the topic “earn thousands of bird coins”, it will help you a lot.

Home Forums Angry Birds Friends Forum I will NEVER purchase another PowerUps Package-WHY

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