Angry Birds Space Eagle Walkthrough Cold Cuts Level 2-14

Here is our Space Eagle Total Destruction video walkthrough for Angry Birds Space Cold Cuts level 2-14. Land the first sardine can atop the first pig, blasting a massive hole toward the wooden tower on the right side. This is precisely where to fire the next sardine can, clearing almost every block in the entire level. If you have an alternate strategy please feel free to leave a detailed comment below.

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Category: Angry Birds Space, Mighty Eagle, Walkthroughs

Comments (7)

Rank: Sling God with 70120 points
By wrw01 (@wrw01)

The strategy in the video works but it took about four tries.

The key appears to be in the destruction factor of debris. I had about 1 grey block, 3 ice blocks and 1 piece of wood and a few thin ladder lines.

The placement of the second SE on the wooden ladder is key. If it is to low the blocks in the arches will not be destroyed.

Thanks again ABN for the video.

By Redzym

I’ve found it helpful to watch the video several times, pausing right before impact so I’m cerain where impact should be. That said, your comments add heaps of value and have helped me to minimize SE losses. Thanks muchly to both you and ABN.

Rank: Well Traveled with 1635 points
By lilady09 (@lilady09)

I did it with 1 Space Eagle!

By Redzym


Rank: Hardened with 500 points
By HalAshton (@halashton)

I got it with one eagle as well. Same as the first sardine can in the video. Got a lucky bounce and something took out the snow under the tower in the second shot and that got the last two pigs. Most of the overhead arch structure was still there that the second eagle takes out in the video but it was still 100%.

By Rodrigo

I did it, too! I shot the same as the first space eagle, but did not trigger it on contact. It fell over the first pig, and the wormhole destroyed part of the ice under the tower, causing it to colapse.

By mike

For one eagle consistently, shoot the first blue bird so that the bottom one hits the tnt. Make sure it blows the wooden structure out. Then use the one eagle like the second eagle in the video above.

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