AB2's arena needs a revamp

Home Forums Angry Birds 2 Forum AB2's arena needs a revamp

  • Currently ,I am level 5 with some birds and level 6s as well.BUT!I have made it to diamond league,the final league….please we need a new revamp,this is not AB friends

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  • burbman

    Just keep playing, get those winning streaks and level your birds up. Then you will have some competition.


    To get a winning streak of > 2 you will need to overcome opponents whose average bird level is your max bird level, plus they often have 5 spells. > 5 you’re basically competing against someone with 2 levels up…


    I agree the arena is a joke I have 3 level 7 birds and the others are 6 I win one then get my but kicked by a cheater . What a joke and on top of how the hell you have a player the is a star level 65 and has all level 6 birds . Something needs to be done for sure

Home Forums Angry Birds 2 Forum AB2's arena needs a revamp

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