Lost and Found

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  • If you’re missing and/or being robbed of features, functions, and whatnot, or have recovered lost content, feel free to post them here.

    1. Where are my friends? I’m still connected to Facebook, but my Friends list is MIA! I never had trouble sending friend gifts, even last night. However, today I found a blue gift during the DC and got a “You have no friends” message with an “invite” button. And mind you, I updated last Wednesday.

    2. Where are my spells? This issue arose with the update. Every time I earn a spell card during gameplay and use it, I lose a spell from my spell bank. I had three banked Mighty Eagles earlier today — and now have two after using one I picked up during the DC. Hmm, are saved spells and extra cards the same now?

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  • Psygaz

    1. I’ve lost spells. Had a good bank of all of them, including six hot chilis that have gone down to one. Three mighty eagles, all gone.

    2. Another really mean thing is in the Arena. Before, I could opt not to accept a challenge if the opponent was loaded against me, particularly with masses of spells. Now if you drop out, you lose an Arena ticket.


    Just lost a 500 feather bonus from the seventh win in the arena. It leveled up Silver, but now its gone and Silver is back to its original feathers.

    ashley desmeules

    My spells disapeared tooo and even more annoying terance was at level 7 with 50% finished i noticed that todays arena was terance and decided to spend my arena tickets hoping to get winning streak and i did i got two winning streaks in a row and half another one and win terance’s level 8with 1080/1800 feathers toninght terance was level 7 with 48 feathers my feathers disapeared…. my tickets disapeared…. it sucks

    John O’Brien

    Why are my spells missing. I contacted customer support waiting for a reply to get them back

Home Forums Angry Birds 2 Forum Lost and Found

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