Angry Birds Seasons Piglantis Level 2-6 Walkthrough

Our strategy for Piglantis level 2-6 is to topple the loosely-constructed tower on the left side, clearing all pigs there. Then launch Terence through the ropes holding the drawbridge, demolishing the far-right structure. The only variable here is the Helmet Pig on the bridge, but use the Yellow bird if you need to.

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Comments (47)

Rank: Pig Leader with 10760 points
By PdB (@playdbird)Score: 99,990

@amslimfordy – that little building in front of the bridge is tougher than you let on. It can withstand a good hit… Takes a good push to topple it.

Rank: Sling God with 32120 points
By AMslimfordy (@amslimfordy)Score: 93,020

I don’t think it’s quite so difficult. I get it with at least 50% success.

Rank: Master Slinger with 7205 points
By TruckDriver (@truckdriver)Score: 92,390

The sweet spot for the left structure seems to be where the stone block butts up against the wood. I use the horizontal board that the helmet pig is sitting on as a reference point for aiming.

Rank: Sling God with 21285 points
By AngryAdvisor (@lesleyg)Score: 95,590

Yes this seems to be the “sweet” spot. I’m not seeing to many other ways to tackle this one. @playDBird…Congrats on Top Score!!! Any tips I’m missing on how to get the extra 5K points?

Rank: Sling God with 70300 points
By wrw01 (@wrw01)Score: 95,620

Played it like the video for the level. Tried to get 100k but no such luck. Got 36-39k with the first bird but could not get the big points with the second. The second bird seemed to work well below the square stone on right. Hitting the lower left corner or the wood below produced good results. Fun level to play.

Rank: Pig Leader with 10760 points
By PdB (@playdbird)Score: 99,990

Thank you @lesleyg.

No secrets – I play it the way it shows in the video. On my high score I know I had about 40K after the first bird. I destroyed almost everything from that small tower and may have gotten the treasure chest way down below as the pillars fell.

The second shot is the tough one. Too low and you get nothing at all and too high and Terrance hits that little tiny stone and it knocks the wind out of him. It’s tough to aim this shot since there’s quite a distance from the sling to the pig, but try to aim at the wood wall between the stone beam and the little stone block, arcing Terrance. Sometimes Terrance will fall back down and destroy more of the drawbridge. I’ve rarely had any trouble popping the helmet pig on the bridge.

I hope that helps.

Rank: Pig Leader with 10760 points
By PdB (@playdbird)Score: 99,990
Rank: Pig Leader with 10760 points
By PdB (@playdbird)Score: 99,990

Forgot to mention – if you’re going for a high score – you’ll need at least 35K after the first shot – otherwise reset.

Rank: Sling God with 21285 points
By AngryAdvisor (@lesleyg)Score: 95,590

Thanks @PlayDBird…I actaully only have about 3K less then you so I guess I’m doing something right, lol. Your description is excatly how I did it so I think you are correct about Terence falling back to get some damage points to the bridge as I recall that happened when I got the 95590 score.

Thanks for the reply so quickly ;-)

Rank: Pig Leader with 10760 points
By PdB (@playdbird)Score: 99,990

The trick is to put together two fairly difficult shots. I remember there was still debris on the field on my high score run so I’m pretty sure that 100K is possible.

Rank: Well Traveled with 1990 points
By Fillmore1234 (@fillmore1234)Score: 95,300

Thanks for the all the help @playdbird I too have only about 3k less. I wouldn’t have gotten it but somehow the little piggy on the very right just popped without anything falling on it.

Rank: Well Traveled with 1855 points
By DocTonyNYC (@doctonynyc)Score: 96,700

Thanks, @playdbrid for the 35K benchmark. I always find those very helpful, especially on tricky levels.

This, like many of the Piglantis levels, required me to spend a lot of time shooting then resetting. As is usually the case, eventually the persistance pays off.

Rank: Boss Hog with 14685 points
By xebic88 (@xebic88)Score: 98,940

i found i managed more destruction by lobbing the second shot so it came down on the ptotruding bit of metal,if done right red will also fall back doing more damage ..good luck

Rank: Sling God with 45310 points
By Kathy (@kathy)Score: 97,900

Well I’ve. bee. doing good till now …3 starrred most levels without looking at walkthrouhghs..gotta go back after for averages…wanted to see how good I could do on my own..:) Well this ones a killer..and I’ve actually. been doing it the way described so at least I’m on the right track;) I guess Patience is a Virtue applies to this. one. ty all for posting now I don’t feel like I am such a horrible shooter without having help/)

Rank: Sling God with 45310 points
By Kathy (@kathy)Score: 97,900

I suppose this one is stilll going to haunt me foreevvver:(
Below average again..whinnee!!:(

Rank: Pig Leader with 11600 points
By leggy (@leggy)Score: 94,810

@Kathy – I’m with you totally!; of all the ab games, this episode is an absolute swiiiinnnnneeee!!! I’m hoping that a little moan will help me through the remaining 9 levels ;)

Rank: Sling God with 26640 points
By SweetP (@sweetp)Score: 95,460

@playdbird and @lesleyg, I was able to get 38,950 after my first shot, mostly from debris damage. I aimed for the top of the vertical stone brick where it meets the wood block. There was just enough force that very slowly tipped the structure over to the right. I tried to get one of the bricks to break the treasure chest, but there wasn’t enough energy left and the brick softly bounced off.

You’re both right about Terence causing damage to the bridge, because that’s how I gained 4K and got my 95460 score!

Rank: Gold Flinger with 9295 points
By georgerxtx (@georgerxtx)Score: 99,340

Thanks playdbird 99340. 37k from first bird hitting just at top of grey brick in left structure then Terrence in the middle of the ropes to hit right structure just below small grey brick 20k bonus.

Rank: Champion with 3470 points
By . (@minh)

Thanks @playdbird for the strat, I manage to get 3 stars on this level

Rank: Fling King with 4870 points
By Harrystar6 (@harrystar6)Score: 91,290

Thanks for the walk through been trying to three star this for awhile

Rank: Sling God with 21330 points
By Stocktoad (@stocktoad)Score: 99,460

There is an alternative strategy, but……at least for me it didn’t yield the scores that I was hoping for. It is possible to topple the right hand structure with the first red bird. Not easy, but possible. If you hit the brick just right, it knocks the wood part over. It takes lots of shots to get it to go over. Getting big red to topple the left side is easy enough, but one of the underwater pigs seldom dies with the shot. Yellow bird can take out the underwater pig with a high arc, either straight on or just to the left of the wood block on the crane thing depending on the rubble situation. The problem is, if you need the yellow bird, the score at least for me came out to a disappointing 78,000. A better big red shot might come out pretty well, I’m not sure.

Rank: Pig Leader with 10760 points
By PdB (@playdbird)Score: 99,990

Interesting approach. I didn’t see another alternative to the shot from the video – it seems to be the one everyone is taking. I don’t know that this shot will provide the points for a very high score, but it was great to see an alternative worth considering!

Rank: Sling God with 46235 points
By karen68 (@karen68)Score: 99,540

It always makes me nervous to see a level where all the scores are so close together, you need every single point from debris that you can get. I’m finding the 1st shot easy to do, hitting the front stone anywhere from the midpoint up to where it meets the wood seems to bring the front part down, but getting over 35k is challenging for me for some reason. I am currently a block or two below average, need definite persistence with this one.

Rank: Sling God with 45310 points
By Kathy (@kathy)Score: 97,900

@karen68 I’m happy i came across this post!! I’ve been driving myself nutters,, and improved by 1k, now looking at the board for this level scores are So close ,i think I’ll move on lol!!

Rank: Well Traveled with 1940 points
By novocool (@novojit)

The average score is remarkably low… 95k+ score isn’t tough at all in this level.

Rank: Flinger with 35 points
By WereWolf69 (@werewolf69)Score: 95,210

On this episode, I talked nice to the game and was able to coax another 6k out of it, at least now I’m above average.

Rank: Flinger with 35 points
By WereWolf69 (@werewolf69)Score: 95,210

Using the video method, of course.

Rank: Deputized with 165 points
By authoriton (@authoriton)Score: 93,290

I hate levels like this…. Solution is simple but very difficult to put into practice. Im having a bit of success getting the first bird to get ~40k (about 1 in 10) but whenever that happens my second bird is shocking!

Hours and hours go on some levels and im happy to play them if i think im going to get a big improvement in score. But hours on this level to increase my 93290 to above 95k is just NOT what i call fun!!!

Ok rant over… who am i kidding… back to the level for more non-fun. LOL

Rank: Gold Flinger with 9485 points
By to mock a mockingbird (@vuelva)

100980/2 for the daily challenge (playing v 5.2.0.fully zoomed out on ipad air) as in the video. details:
1st) try to hit the stone in left structure on the left near the top corner, to that end make almost 3 steps appear in upper sling strap; gets the left structure 50% of the time as reported; 38k+ scores frequent with my best being 41k;
2nd) try to hit the stone in right structure on the top-left corner, to that end let (the right corner of) the seat of the bird overlap about 50% of the black line in the background (for calibration purposes i was using the cloud in the background; the trajectory should roughly go through its right corner); hope the bird pushes structure to the right but itself bounces back (i reset if it slices through the stone) onto the stone slab causing the latter to rotate left; should be good for 95k-100k scores; if you’re lucky damage from the bird and the stone slab combined make the latter break through (usually at the moment the bird disappears; hopefully that happens before time-out) enabling 100k+ scores.

have had four 100k+ scores now (the others being 100040,100050,100090) with this (and many in the 95k-100k range), and got them all after at most 38k after the 1st (i reset if i get less than 35k) so 102k should be reachable with this i think.

Rank: Gold Flinger with 9485 points
By to mock a mockingbird (@vuelva)

now got 101730/2 with that. a not so good 1st was compensated for by an excellent 2nd:

( @kelani , @sweetp )

Rank: Avian Overlord with 17470 points
By gladvold (@gladvold)Score: 101,770

Thanks for sharing @vuelva. First shot like also others has described, near top of left vertical stone. But for a long time I tried hitting the vertical wood between the stones with the second. I couldn’t do better than 96k that way. Following your advice and aiming higher made the difference!
My tenth puppy on it’s way? Hooray! Thanks again!

@kelani @sweetp

Rank: Avian Overlord with 17470 points
By gladvold (@gladvold)Score: 101,770

BTW, I couldn’t follow @vuelva ‘s aiming instructions as I play fully zoomed in on my small phone screen. So I aimed so that Terrence just covered the left tip of that dark green island in the background. I play on Android, but from vuelvas screen shot it seems the background is the same.

Rank: Sling God with 24465 points
By justpast40 (@justpast40)Score: 99,390

@vuelva & @gladvold, first of all, a HUGE Congrats on your puppies, this is one of the much more difficult puppy levels. Gladvold, do you remember your score after 1st shot?

If either or both of you have time, would you pls post a pic example of the 1st shot trajectory? I’m not even getting close to eliminating the left side pigs.

Gladvold, if this is your 10th puppy, I think that qualifies you for a new Badge, the Underdog Bronze. That’s an amazing achievement after less than a year here. This old lady tips her hat off to you. It was well over 2 yrs before my 1st puppy, on another Piglantis level no less & not until earlier this year that I managed my 10th pup; I think I was in the initial batch of Bronze awardees, but I’ve been stuck on #12 since Feb : -(. Of well, tomorrow is another day

Rank: Sling God with 24465 points
By justpast40 (@justpast40)Score: 99,390

@vuelva & @gladvold, apologies, I misread your post(s) about 1st shot being close to as in video … no trajectory pic required … Today I watched our 3 grandchildren, ages 6, 4 & 1 at our pool, so my thinking cap is askew ; -)

Rank: Avian Overlord with 17470 points
By gladvold (@gladvold)Score: 101,770

Thanks a lot @justpast40! Yes I remember having approximately 40k after 1st shot when I got my top score. But my best result after 1st is exactly 43k.

Rank: Sling God with 36580 points
By PeeJayDee27 (@peejaydee27)Score: 100,870

@vuelva @gladvold : many congrats on your puppy scores!! I’ve been using the same two shots basically, and have lost count how many times I managed 39/40K+ with Red, with a max one time of 41660. Having the columns toppling over and breaking the chest helps for an extra 1K. But (no pun intended) that second is a real pig of a shot. I think I’m using the same aiming point as gladvold, pulling Terrance down so the tufts on his head barely go below the top curve of the hill in the background. Sometimes get a great result with the stone plank acting as a pivot, but it seems most times when I get a good score with shot 1, Terrance decides to stop dead in his tracks or roll too far forward.

@justpast40 : If it helps, I pull red back so the he is pointing pretty much straight, then pull down on the slingshot a pixel or two. After a few failed attempts I found I was getting results with 50% of the shots. :))

Rank: Sling God with 21330 points
By Stocktoad (@stocktoad)Score: 99,460

One of the quirks with this one is that if you get a really good score on the first shot, say in the area of 40K, it is often as a result of breaking most of the floating wood that the falling mast/spar or whatever it is….would break anyway when it falls with the second shot. So there isn’t really that much advantage to the high first score shot.

Rank: Avian Overlord with 17470 points
By gladvold (@gladvold)Score: 101,770

Thank you @peejaydee27! I may have aimed a bit lower than you on the 2nd then. I aimed like this:
But I too often had the same frustrations!

Rank: Sling God with 45310 points
By Kathy (@kathy)Score: 97,900

@peejaydee ty for the aiming points, this level is driving me Crazy!!
I have the first shot down pretty good,the second shot though arghh!
Where are you having Terrence land? On the stone block as vuelva says or the plank below? I had a little bit of a lucky shot where Terrence bounced back and broke the wood bridge, but darn if i know what caused it lol..
Consider this my Whiiiiinnneee of the night..

Rank: Sling God with 45310 points
By Kathy (@kathy)Score: 97,900

@peejaydee27 sorry i messed up your name:/

Rank: Sling God with 36580 points
By PeeJayDee27 (@peejaydee27)Score: 100,870

Hi @kathy. For my best score Terrance hit just on the top left corner of the stone block, then rolled back back to the left. This created the pivot effect to topple the right structure, then T broke through the plank. As I remember, the damage when he breaks the plank and destroys debris beneath it depends largely on the L-factor (as usual!). Hope the Whine-factor helps you too :))

Rank: Sling God with 45310 points
By Kathy (@kathy)Score: 97,900

Thanks @peejaydee27 , that’s what I’ve been aimimg for, so I’m on the right track, need a bit more of the ‘L’ factor and a bit more Whiinnee.. ;)

Rank: Sling God with 45310 points
By Kathy (@kathy)Score: 97,900

Back again only picked up about 500 points but enough to get into the top 100 finally!!!
Bye bye horrible level lol!!!

Rank: Sling God with 33500 points
By asher (@asher)Score: 102,390

102390 with 2 birds. As in the video.

Here is the trajectory and a 40k result for Red.

Then Terence to finish the job.

And this is the highscore screenshot.

Rank: Sling God with 45310 points
By Kathy (@kathy)Score: 97,900

@Asher thanks for the screenshots , Where exactly on the far structure is Terence hitting, about? I’ve been pretty much using the same trajectory but different devices have different results , when i fling as in your screenshot i end up landing smack on the upper left corner of that stone block, kinda, which is not getting me a lot of the debris needed, and Terence kinda stops dead in his tracks :( any help appreciated ??

Rank: Sling God with 33500 points
By asher (@asher)Score: 102,390

@kathy: in fact just below the top left corner of the stone block is the way to go. I don’t think that can qualify as a sweet spot since the results are varying a lot, from almost nothing to total destruction.

Rank: Sling God with 45310 points
By Kathy (@kathy)Score: 97,900

Thanks @asher I’ll keep Flinging , appreciate the aiming point , now just a matter of R&R I’m sure ?

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