Lost everything. Event just disappeared

Home Forums Angry Birds Transformers Forum Lost everything. Event just disappeared

  • Played my last two 30 minutes before the end time. 10 min. Later i decided to look if i was still in leader 1000 position. All of a sudden the game ended giving me the 1000 coins. Then something came on the screen saying something about a special bonus of sorts 999 and the screen froze nothing happened. Then the game restarted and when it started again the wvent had gone away. I lost all my red coins that i played all week for and i didnt get the new tranformer.

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  • ArmourBender

    Sad same thing happening to other Android users. I’m assuming you’re an Android user?

    Can you please try logging into Facebook first on your device, then open up ABT?

    Hope it goes well for you.

Home Forums Angry Birds Transformers Forum Lost everything. Event just disappeared

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