Failed attempt to report cheating

Home Forums Angry Birds Transformers Forum Failed attempt to report cheating

  • I just want to share my frustration while attempting to warn ROVIO team about possible cheaters on the leaderboard. I opened the following ticket:

    “I was playing the event for today, and some hours ago, the first place had about 50.000 points in the competition. Now the player Wildstar has more than 6.000.000, as shown in the attached picture.”

    I added the picture below on the ticket:


    Now, the answer from them:

    “Tadeusz (Rovio Entertainment Ltd)
    Apr 18, 21:42 EEST

    Hello there,

    Thanks for reaching out to us. We are sorry for any trouble you might have run into with the game.

    Please note that players in your leaderboard do change, can boost their performance by playing more and might use spark or gems to improve their ranking. If you still feel like there might be an issue with a particular player, please provide us more information on potentially suspicious player behaviour. Please include screenshots of the player’s performance on your leaderboard, tell us their leaderboard name in addition to your FB ID and leaderboard name. Our game development will then look into the matter.

    Hope you have a great day regardless. We thank you for your efforts in advance!

    Best regards,

    Rovio Support Team”

    It seems that they don’t even read the entire text. I provided all the information they asked for. I included the possible cheater’s leaderboard name, and a picture with his performance. My FB ID is required to fill the ticket, as the version, platform and device I’m playing.

    The answer is standard. What makes me really angry is that excuse:
    “Please note that players in your leaderboard do change, can boost their performance by playing more and might use spark or gems to improve their ranking.”

    It is so obvious that the above score is impossible, that I don’t even know how to express it. Even with gems, promotions, overpower, even if the player encountered Unicron on every run and defeated him all times, even if…

    Well, on every other online game I played, cheaters were punished badly. They were banished, and sometimes even their IP were blocked from creating another account. It is obvious that cheaters bring loss to the game, and that reporting those cheaters is usually encouraged in these games. But ROVIO does not seem to understand that way or simply does not care about it.

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  • The Dark Knight

    @ramonpontes JARSU… They are totaly F#@cked up…


    lol what a joke, they don’t care about cheaters as long as people are spending their cash


    Or the player has a normal score but the leaderboard has a glitch and is showing it as much more to others. They just don’t want to admit that something else isn’t working


    Or it may be a bot or an automated score that has gone crazy.

    Anyway, I answered again, just to see how many standard answers they give to me.



    Correction, not JARSU.

    In this case, it’s JARFY:



    The fact that this guy has a “Gold Crown” Smokescreen already tells me he’s not legit.

    Sparks are rare enough already – even if you had an unspent hoard, why would you waste it on one of the Brothers?

    The Dark Knight

    @optimuspig JARSU





    Also known as the player(s) previously called BOTs.

    The Dark Knight




    This happened to me and was the result of a Rovio software bug. I was in the event and had accumulated around 65000 event points. I started another run and the game crashed. When I restarted the game and went back to events, my score was still on the leader board, but it had zeroed out in the next goal box. When I ran the event, my leader board score didn’t change so i was dead in the water until the day’s event clock ran out. This happened 2 days in a row, and on the second day i upgraded to the latest iOS version of the game. When I went back to run in the event suddenly over 65,000,000. I tried doing a run in the event to see if it would reset but it just stayed where it was. I am just running regular runs with no cheats or attempts to amplify my score. It just suddenly appeared. When the day’s event clock ran out, my scoring went back to normal. It did give me 1st place for the day, but I was already in that spot for the day anyway.

    I contacted Rovio on these problems but only received a mindless and useless bot-like response. Since the update + 1 day, my events and scoring have been operating normally, including the now expected frequent in event crashes.


    Lets make a simulation on how possible is to achieve that score:

    Supposing you can complete one run per minute this is the score required per run:
    1 day = 24 hours = 1440 minutes
    6.538.888 / 1440 = 4.540

    With two promoted bots with 210%, the base score would be:
    4.540 / (210 + 100) * 100 = 1464

    So, if the player don’t sleep for 24 hours (not even a minute away from the phone/tablet), playing all the nodes very quickly, to end under one minute each, and have the awesome luck to achieve 1.400 points per run, it is possible to reach the score above. Not to mention that there is no time to waste watching advertisements, and with crashes on the app.

    The Dark Knight

    @ramonpontes add the possibility of crashing.


    Now I had a surprise. Rovio aswered again my ticket as below:

    Hello Ramon,

    thank you for the provided information. We have taken care of this player already. We understand that the cheaters take the fun out of the game and are unfair to the honest players who have spent time and maybe even money to advance in the game.

    We apologize for any inconvenience, and hope that you can still enjoy the game while we are trying to get rid of the dishonest players!

    Best regards,

    Rovio Support Team

    I don’t know what they did about the reported player, probably he was banned, but at last they didn’t gave me another standard robotic answer. An answer like this is what I was expecting from the beginning.

    Now I can say that it was a successful attempt to report cheating.


    Glad to see you got a better answer this time and then stating they are dealing with it.

    I wonder if they actually deal with cheaters unless they are reported.


    I agree that it could have been a bug. It happened to me this week. I was completing a run in the final few minutes of the game. I finished just as the daily game was over (7:00 pm CST). As soon as I finished, I got the score and then the reward icon popped up. I was actually in 1st place before my points were inadvertently inflated to over 10 million, so it didn’t cheat another person out of first place. However, I also didn’t get my bonus that day either. It showed I got a 1,000 point bonus, but nothing was deposited. I meant to report the bug to Rovio, but I kept forgetting.

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