
  • I tried to reply to the existing thread and for some reason it would not let me.


    My question about missions is;

    What are the benefits of adding members to your team and wasting a ton of diamonds to have to do so?


    I have been on the site for a while, just finally created an account today, have been playing about 1.5 years now.

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  • Replies
  • datguygamer

    @ethan2011 You have been playing for 1.5 years and you still don’t know that?

    Anyways, adding members gives you more chances to win more keys (to a max of 5) so that you are able to open more presents at the end of the mission. That’s about it. Less members mean less keys as the bar at the end of the mission won’t fill up all the way.

    Mighty Red

    @datguygamer I believe @ethan2011 thinks that spending gems on the extra teammate slots is something you have to do for each mission.

    Ethan, you’ll be happy to hear that those slots are “buy once, keep forever” purchases, as in, you pay for those extra slots and you’ll be able to use all 3 of them for all future missions without spending any more gems.


    @mighty-red-1 I thought he meant about the actual need for adding members to missions rather than the purchase cost but on that note, why did I get 5 notifications for the same reply?


    I posted this in the other thread;


    Finally decided to waste the 1000+ gems and unlocked the other 6 spots so i can have 9 running at once.

    Started on the easy mission just to see what happened.

    I always thought you would have to spend that per mission and it did not permanently unlock it lol.

    Wish i did that way back when i started, would have a heck of a lot more gems now.


    In 1.5 years playing i have;

    Every available character (except newest coming soon)

    Level 558, 40m coins, 280k pigs and now only 900 diamonds

    13 level 15’s, 1 level 16 and rest all level 10 or higher

    105% Deadend, 120% Nemisis Prime, 105% Energon Grimlock, 75% Energon Starscream (level 16), 15% Soundblaster

    Not bad for 1.5 years, wish i knew that there was an unlock on the missions and that i would not have to waste diamonds every single time, as i thought it was since i started lol. I did not see any mention of that anywhere.

    Did all of the above without ever spending one dollar on the game, just a ton of personal time. Now that i will be earning more diamonds, i will be able to progress even quicker with the leveling up and overpowering.



    @ethan2011 Any kind of “slot unlocks” are permanent in the game. That Spark Run now has the option of adding a 4th member which also takes 1000 gems to unlock. That one, if you are curious like this one, is also permanent.

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