Help! Can't beat the Ox Boss 2ith Horns

Home Forums Angry Birds Evolution Forum Help! Can't beat the Ox Boss 2ith Horns

  • My birds are over the amount needed to defeat him but after 4 turns he attacks and no matter what is kills me. I can’t figure out how to beat him. There are spikes on the sides of the arena bit even if he hits them it does nothing. Cannot progress.

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  • ADBjester

    I am stuck here, too (it is the next to last challenge in Chapter 19), for the same reason. As level 37, I can’t ever do enough damage to off the boss, and if he’s allowed to attack even one time, the match is over.

    I went Googling for videos on how to beat it and only found January pre-launch videos… but the boss in those videos was FAR less powerful.

    I have resigned myself to being stuck here for a while (I still try it when I’m out of turns elsewhere), until I can get enough evolution material from dungeons to level up at least 3 four-star white birds.

    If anyone has any insight on how to beat this level while still ranked in the mid-30’s, your input would be welcome.



    I finally beat him.  I got lucky, but gained insight in the process.

    I beat him because I got lucky on rebounds and hit the boss from the back several times in early shots.  This is not the preferred way.

    What I determined instead (mainly from watching opponents in arena matches) is that what you need is a very powerful white bird with superpower regeneration of 3 turns.  Damage the boss as much as you can with the first three birds, and then take him out with a ridiculously powerful white bird superpower shot, before he can attack. You then will have enough power left to take out the minions before they defeat you.

    If you go into this match with only 5-turn regenerations, you’re going to lose, because you can never take a superpower shot before the boss attacks.

    Level 20 isn’t enough.  You need a level 40 or better bird, so you may have to grind a while to earn evolution material.  (Keep taking the occasional shot while you grind — you might get lucky like I did).


    P.S. Please note that these forums are dead in comparison to the in-game ones, at  The Nest here is great for AB2, etc, but the real chatter is at the other site.


    Ben Gamer

    well I got too then I had to restart the game cuz I figured it out.. farm with scouts and get strong birds before you go any further with the story, that way you can do insane levels without any problem for a while until you save good amount of gold and high level birds then you move on with the story cuz as you going further the pigs get stronger

Home Forums Angry Birds Evolution Forum Help! Can't beat the Ox Boss 2ith Horns

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