Reformatted – New Event!

Home Forums Angry Birds Transformers Forum Reformatted – New Event!

  • Another new event is here. The “Energized” is the leading squad. Top prize is the new Enrgon Megatron.

    Good luck people and have fun.

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  • Deszaras

    I wish they showed what the Sentinel accessory does and where it fits. It doesn’t show in the exchange or in customizing him.


    I just bought E. Megatron for 500 gems.

    Bundle includes 2,500 sparks and 10,000 coins.


    The Energon versions of Megatron, Shockwave, Nautica and Windblade are in the exchange.

    Two bots used with Energonicon.


    Gem bundle for Energon Megatron is available.


    The E. Megatron bundle I got was 100 gems with his chest medallion for increased reload speed and a bunch of sparks. I can’t remember how many now. Maybe 1000.


    Wow, E.Megatron has a lot of accessories. He has more accessories in the exchange than the last four new characters did combined. And I’m probably not going to be able to get any of them since all my tokens will be going towards unlocking Energon Shockwave (this is the first time he has cost less then 10k). My plan to save myself a ton of work, time and gems by waiting to get new characters until their prices go down (before they started offering them in gem bundles) is working but they keep messing with me by putting them with characters I need a ton of accessories for.


    @sntrooper He does have a lot of accessories but you can’t equip them all. The medallion and reflector go in the same spot, the acid flail and saber in the same spot and at least know go on his head. I just wish it showed what the Sentinel accessory does and where it fits.


    @deszaras True. But I’m trying to get all the accessories in the game regardless if I use them or not.
    It probably bugged and doesn’t do anything (like Ratchet’s helmet that I got out of a steel crate). My guess is it would be on the arm like Shockwave’s Sentinel is.









    I have seen Boss Pig and Unicron.

    I am running with an 875% bonus. Going for 200k points on day 1



    How many recharges are you projecting for that?

    My scoring is pathetically low.  Even though I’m +750% I’m going to have a hard time hitting 100,000 with natural runs only.

    My lowest base score today was 178.


    @deszaras @sntrooper Do NOT buy that Sentinel accessory. I paid gems to unlock that accessory first as it wasn’t listed in the barracks and guess what? It still didn’t show up in my barracks. It’s a scam. I lost gems and I can’t even see the accessory to even equip it. Nice.


    @optimuspig – I got to 108k with 1 recharge. I am guessing, based on how much time is left, Maybe 2 or 3 more recharges will be needed


    @datguygamer Thanks for the warning. I had been planning on trying to get it if I could (after getting E.Shockwave and sparks) so you saved me from wasting tokens on it.

    The Dark Knight

    i will wait at the end of the 5th day with the 2500 gems bundle to purchase him… Ain’t gonna spend 5000 gems for the bundle that is running now…

    I will also play safe with 1-2 recharges per day to obtain as much as possible tokens to unlock the weapons that he has and they are interests me :D

    Question Dark Saber can be fit on while i have Ravage meaning having them fit both without need to choose what to fit….


    @elpapam – Not sure about your question, but I have a different idea. Like UM, you probably have to choose between the Dark Sabre and the Acid Flail. Acid all the way!

    The Dark Knight

    @joel687 that’s also one of my thoughts like UM…


    @joel687 @elpapam I’m going with acid rounds. I’ll get both armada headpiece and ravage if I can to see which is a better match. Acid works great with extra gravity force. I can’t believe how many accessories he has when some bots have next to none. Strong arm only has one or two.


    *edit* I totally agree @cbya


    Witch should I get: Energon Shockwave or Energon Windblade?

    I already got Energon Megatron from gem bundle and Energon Nautica in Valentines.



    @birdboy2016hot I prefer Energon Windblade.


    Ok grimlockdown

    Thanks for the suggestion.


    Anyone else noticing lower scores on gold block day than we saw on energon structure day?

    The Dark Knight

    @joel687 it’s just another “finger” day. And yes there are to low scores today gold blocks day…


    Same here.


    Happy Finger Day everyone!

    Sadly, I forgot about that one. I will aim to hit 150k. I am at 120 right now


    What materials are needed to upgrade E. Megatron?

Home Forums Angry Birds Transformers Forum Reformatted – New Event!

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