Rare and Legendary Chests 2nd Chances

Home Forums Angry Birds 2 Forum Rare and Legendary Chests 2nd Chances

  • I don’t know if anyone else has tried it yet, but just a heads up.

    After you open a rare or legendary chest and the game offers you an opportunity to open another one for 80 or 900 gems respectively, but be wary.

    I tried to today on a rare chest because another card was 12,500 feathers, which I see as being worth 80 gems.  Same would go for 500 or 850 black pearls.

    So I picked the card that should have been the feathers, but the cards reshuffle and all I ended up getting was a mighty eagle.  Irritating, but I suspect that Rovio added that just as another way to try and siphon gems from players.

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  • SB311

    Yeah. I misunderstood that too when I first paid eighty gems. That’s why the cards turn back over so they can shuffle them.

    I only pay now when I don’t mind getting any of the cards that are left, which doesnt happen that often but I’ve picked a couple of cards with lot of feathers or bp.


    I did pay for a few rare continues and about half of the times I got the card I wanted for the 2nd try. It happened once that I didn’t got it for the 3rd try, but I won’t pay 500 to have 50% chance. I never paid for a continue in legendary chests, 900 is too much. What would be the next? Maybe 2000?


    It was clear from beginning that cards would shuffle. Otherwise it would be too easy and players gem reserves would not bleed like Rovio plans.

    I accidentally paid today for 2nd try by tapping to wrong spot… without even touching the screen. At the end it was not too painful experience, as I got 850 BP reward. That was 5th or 6th time I found the best reward from cards. Usually I get 3-4 times out of 5 the worst reward…


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