New Event – Autobirds

Home Forums Angry Birds Transformers Forum New Event – Autobirds

  • Yes, you’ve guessed it!
    It’s time for a new event.
    The infamous black and white blocks are back again.

    This event uses one bot and no energonicons


    The bonus squad is The Wreckers

    All 45 autobird bots are in the exchange (no accessories).

    As @elpapam would say: Good luck people and have fun.

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  • deindiaan

    Nice event because we can choose a lot of characters to overpower! Hope to get 13.5k for blaster … Only 420% promo :(


    I may just pick up Moonracer with some gems. I with the blocks and no minicon use, I’m not gonna bust my hump to overpower in this event.


    Another useless event.

    Good luck to those bothering to play.


    @optimuspig thats a shame to hear. Any feedback on why it is useless? I’m fighting hard for the players over here at Exient, got some really cool stuff planned and coming soon!


    ok now i have the opportunity to take a powerfull bot, what you suggest me? hound is my preferred but i like also ironhide and mirage. don’t know others bot, there is one that worth the value? consider that i’m at level 50

    13.5k? here is 7.5k


    @lewie4, I’ll believe it when I see it.  Events like this are useless for some because there is nothing new if you already have all the characters.   Overpowering seems generally pointless, with meaningless percentage upgrades that dont translate to real benefits.  And I personally never play these events with only 1 character because it’s just  way too time and gem consuming for the effort.  Single bot event scoring targets should be half of what they are, since you can only have half the bonus.



    There are many good bots now… Nautica, blaster, classic bumblebee, energon grimlock… So will be a difficult choice for you I think.


    I need 13.5k tokens because I want to overpower blaster to level 21. I have all the characters already.



    My personal opinion;

    All events should have two bots and an energonicon. Seems like there was no point to obtaining all the energonicon’s if we can’t use them EVERY event and trying to promote more than 1 bot in every squad if you get stuck with these 1 bot events.

    I will of course still play this event, but not as much as i would have with the above.



    You mean aside from the fact that +210% bonus isn’t going to get you anywhere in this Special Event, and Sparks are too difficult to come by to waste on promoting the Bonus Squad TFs?

    We all need a break from the grind, and this is as good a time as any.


    @optimuspig got big plans for an upcoming update. That update will be the start of a content treadmill based off feedback we’ve received now and receive going forwards :)

    As for the +210% bonus, it should be enough as other players will be in the same situation as yourself so you shouldn’t be behind.


    @lewie4, most of the possible tokens come from the score milestones,  not the competition.   High score targets + low bonus = no possibility of decent token totals.  The competition for 1st is impossible anyway, to the point it’s not a consideration for me even if I have the highest possible bonus.  So “others are in the same boat” doesn’t really matter.


    @lewie4 I am playing any event till now, but really events like this are changing the situation with points that could be collected. What I mean – Yes everyone is playing with one bot ( I will say don’t change that, lets have different events ), but if someone is playing with 210% bonus, so he should be in list with other players with same bonus ( even if list is no full with 20 players ) and to get same chance like other players! Also not so bad idea winning points and event to be depends on the one or two player event. My example is that I am playing with bot x4, but with Gold Crown and total have 420% bonus, but at my list there is any crown players and I am hardly get over 6 place ( and I am playing whole day and at the end of the playing day if I am close to next winning tokens I am spending 10 or 20 after that Gems to get there. But when I can’t get to 50k points with 420% bonus, this is making event useless for me :( unfortunately! I think you will agree with that, that this type of game play is not stimulating us to spend Gem and to go further. Also when I have all the bots ( like most of other long time players ) and we already have all the accessories, and with this type of pointing system on days like this, we don’t have any chance to get closer to 12-13k points so we can overpower one of our most used bot. Other most of the time we didn’t care, so probably wont spend tokens on them. On events like this I am mostly playing for 7500 ( if I reach there ) to open 10 Gold crates, or if I can’t get there just collect all sparks and and open one Gold Crate and probably some steel just to spend left tokens. Final once are spend for Coins ( as many of the players will call them useless too ). So we should have more options for spending tokens and better chance to win them. Place much bigger sparks with more tokens into events token exchange for example. Place 3 000 sparks for 2 000 tokens or something like that. Needs of sparks are going up and we should have more chance to win them!


    Here is one idea that will keep us involved for a longer time – let us transfer tokens from one event to other so we can collect enough for high levels overpowers. When I need 15-17k for overpower one of my high level bots, and I don’t even have opportunity to collect them, I don’t have chance to overpower to higher levels. My only chance is to get higher Overpower from opened Gold Crates if I am lucky :). I believe this is not that big problem to transfer tokens between events, so we can collect enough to overpower our most loved and used bots. Can we expect to receive something like that?


    optimuspig, i think you have really high rank so is normal to feel bored, but cosider that newbye like me need to take also old bots, so there is the need to rotate the bots every week. should be a good idea to do 3 events like the missions? easy-medium-hard? new bots only in hard events reserved for higher ranks?


    @davide Believe us ( old players ) never says to don’t have events like this, so you ( new players ) have the opportunity to get all bots, we have something completely different as idea. To have something that we will keep us in interest to play :). That is what @optimuspig means. That we don’t have for what to play such an events!



    +210% isn’t going to get you anywhere on the Challenge side, and there’s always a few players who are going to promote a relatively poor TF just to get the +840% bonus.



    Supposedly the groupings are based on rank.  So veterans shouldn’t be competing against newbies.


    @optimuspig yes i noticed that, but i mean another thing: 3 kind of events, easy for low rank people and old bots, hard for high ranked people and new kind of bots


    @lewie4 Do you take suggestions made here and pass them on or is that Facebook / Twitter only?


    I’m usually only interested in getting 7,500 tokens and then using them to open 10 Gold crates. Trying to overpower TFs through tokens is just too much grinding (and gems) to be satisfying. At this stage the spark canisters are a little bit meh.

    Standard disclaimer: My rank is Planet Eater


    10k ironhide vs. 7.5k hound…. i take hound right?


    Definitely Hound!


    I like Ironhide.


    Is Moonracer worth even getting? Besides Chromia and Black Arachnia, I think most of the bubble bots have been mostly bad.


    i think ironhide is weak against missiles… hound take also the pigs launched by unicron (if is still alive :D)

    don’t like moonracer… weak against everything :D


    @datguygamer I pass on feedback and suggestions from here, along with our other social media channels :)

Home Forums Angry Birds Transformers Forum New Event – Autobirds

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