Video – rare chest

Home Forums Angry Birds 2 Forum Video – rare chest

  • Recently there has been a popup stating that I found a rare chest and need to watch a video to unlock it.  Every time I watch the ad, the message says I can get the reward, but it just returns me to the opening screen and I do not get a rare chest.  Is there something I’m doing wrong?

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  • Twisted Lemon

    Just saw your post and figured I may aswell say something, it’s a bit of a shame for posts to go unnoticed.

    I get 2 of these ad rare chests a day and for me it’s just a matter of watching the ad and then getting the chest. Sounds like yours is just bugging out each time and not giving you the reward which is frustrating. Could be an issue with the ad itself or your internet connection..I’m can’t really answer so I’m just speculating.

    I’m not sure what to recommend other than just keep trying to watch the ads, let them play through completely and then see if you get what you were promised. If the issue keeps happening then you can always send a bug report/support ticket to Rovio; worth doing I suppose, but I wouldn’t put too much faith in it resulting in anything.

Home Forums Angry Birds 2 Forum Video – rare chest

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